Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Black & White Art Activities

I bought Young at Art by Susan Striker months and months ago, and we've done a few of the activities in it. I'm trying to get into more of a routine of doing art activities now, and I'm using this book as a guide. Here is O's white sticker collage on black paper. I offered her small white dots, small white rectangles, and these big rectangles. When I first showed her the materials, she was not interested AT ALL. She was much too busy flying around the room in her new fairy costum and playing with her punch balls. I didn't push it, and she was eventually ready to try the activity the next day. I was surprised by how focused and intent she was once she got started. She was into minimalism on this day :)


Yesterday we tried a couple more white/black art activities. I offered her white chalk and black paper and a black crayon with white paper. She was only inerested in this activity for about 2 minutes. She tried the chalk on the white paper and was curious about why she couldn't see it.

Today O painted with water on her Buddha Board to go along with our black/white theme. Again, she was only minimally interested in this activity. I'm glad to be done with black and white. I hope she'll be more interested in next week's art activities!


  1. I have Young at Art, too. I like a lot of the ideas in it, particularly Striker's tips for encouraging creativity and her general approach. I have tried to use her approach a little, but I have found that Amelia is often not interested in painting/drawing/etc. with only one color at a time, especially if she has not chosen the color. I will be curious to see how your art lessons go!

  2. Buddha board! That's what I was trying to remember the name of. :)

  3. I work at a Montessori school and I have to say I love your ideas, curious to get the book Young at Art, Stiker should give you a commission :0) Thank you for your blog.


    Florida Chick
