Saturday, March 28, 2009

Making a Sink/Float Bottle

O and I had a great time make a sink/float bottle this week. I gathered various objects for the bottle while she was napping, and she was ready to do our project when she woke up!
I filled the bottle about 2/3 full with water, and here are the objects that we put into the bottle. I also had a rubberband, but O insisted that it belonged on the doorknob, not in the bottle. Before she put each object in the bottle, we predicted whether the object would sink or float.

After we put all of the objects in the bottle, we talked about which objects surprised us :) We were surprised by the beads since 1 of them sank, 2 floated, and 1 sank and then rose back to the surface to float. I was also surprised that the bear floated. She loves to roll the bottle across the floor and watch the objects sink or float to the surface.

O went a little overboard with the glitter, and she was excited to use her vacuum to clean up!


  1. where did you get the frog chair in the background??

  2. Where did you get the frog chair in the background??

  3. So. If you were to do this with multiple children, would you have each one make their own, or come together to all make together?

    Should the top be taped on to prevent leaks?

  4. The frog chair is a hand me down from my sister and niece. I think she bought it at Fred's years ago.

    My Boaz's Ruth- I would just make one bottle and have the children take turns dropping objects in it. They can all make their own prediction before the object is dropped. I didn't tape or glue the bottle top, but it is a good idea :)

  5. I really like this different idea to the sink and float, it mixes it up a bit so it's not always the same ole same ole.

  6. You always come up with the most clever ideas! I have got to get us back on schedule and back into Tot School! This summer has been so busy but not for much longer!

  7. Neat idea. I think we'll try this one tonight!

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