Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Matching Paper Clips

I introduced this activity to O a few months ago, and she was totally uninterested. I put it away and brought it back out today. Today she loved it!


She rolls the roller on the paper clip dispenser, gets the clip and then clips it to the matching dot. The last paper clip didn't catch onto the magnetic roller, so we had to shake it a bit. I think smaller paper clips will work bettter with the dispenser.

Wow! Four Montessori posts in a row. Maybe this is a Montessori blog afterall. I was beginning to have my doubts :)


  1. That looks like a lot of fun! Where did you get the dispenser from?

  2. Ummm. I think the secretary at work gave them to everyone for Christmas last year. So...I was probably supposed to use it at work :)

  3. Love it and all the other Montessouri activities you posted. Thanks!

  4. How old is O? I'm wondering if these activities would work for my 2.5 year old...she needs something to do while I am working on school with the 10.5 year old!

    Where do you find the trays?

  5. I'm so glad your getting your montessori groove back! I do love the ideas you come up with!

  6. I love this idea! Clever! :)

  7. Thanks, everyone!

    April- O is 31 months old.

  8. Great idea! So simple, but fun!

  9. All three of your latest activities are tucked away on my list. Glad you posted about them - will inspire me to get on and collect what we need.
    By the way - love the tray photos and the actions shots - keep up the good work!
