Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thrifty Thursday

I haven't been to the thrift store in more than a month, but after encouragement from Shannon, I decided to stop by after work on Thursday. I haven't really gone anywhere except work on Thursdays and my mom's house for weeks and weeks because I am afraid of suddenly throwing up in a public place. Yuck! So I hesitantly went to the thrift store. They really didn't have much, but I did find 4 children's books that I think O will love. One of the books is Harry the Dirty Dog. I had this book as a child and loved it, and we've checked it out from the library and O loved it. I think she especially liked it since one of her grandaddies is named Harry :)
After I left the thrift store, I headed to Wal-Mart for various craft supplies (walmart is the only place to buy craft supplies around here, unfortunately). I found what I needed, and my good deal of the day is a purple ballerina dress for O. It was marked down from 9 dollars to 5 dollars, and I just couldn't resist buying it for my little ballerina :) I haven't decided if I'll go ahead and give it to her or wait until Easter...
While at Walmart I was drawn to the toy aisle where I played with a Viewmaster with sound. I've always liked viewmasters, and I've been thinking of getting one for O for a while. I never considered getting one with sound, but the information that went along with the pictures was interesting and the sound was so clear. I have to admit that I was impressed. I didn't buy it, but I'm seriously considering it. It may make a good Easter present as well :) They had the viewmaster slides on sale for 3 dollars for sets of 3. I didn't think that was a very good price until I came home and looked on Amazon. Now I'm tempted to go back and buy lots of viewmaster slides before I even decide to buy the viewmaster! If anyone has tried the Viewmaster with sound, I'd love to hear what you think about it. Amazon only had 2 reviews, which were both good, but I'd like to hear from more people as to whether it is worth the money. This toy may be my exception to our no plastic, no batteries rule for Easter! So much for a handmade Easter, although there will be handmade components (felt donuts) :)


  1. We LOVE Harry the Dirty Dog :) What a great find. Have you ever tried for books? We have really built up our children's book library this way.

  2. We have the view master projector from Discovery Channel. It has amazing information and my son loves to sit in his closet and use the projector on the wall. We also lay on his bed as a family and watch it on the ceiling sometimes.

  3. We also have the viewmaster projector and love it. We have watched in on the ceiling while laying in bed with son as well. I would recommend the projector and the sound slides. They are both great. One of my best thrift finds was a whole box of vintage slides. They are so fun, even though our 4 yr. old doesn't know what half of them are! Viewmasters are the best!

  4. I loved the ViewMaster -- and the Henry Fonda commercials way back when.

    I understand that the little film images are a no-no in the food department, so don't let anyone ingest them. At least that's what my SIL found out when her kids dined on them. Just-a FYI there.

  5. Wow. I didn`t find any information about 3D viewer on Slovak web, so I am a little bit amazed and I think, the viewer must be a perfect gift for a child.
    Anyway, I like your blog very, very much and I hope your pregnancy is better now.

  6. We have the discovery viewmaster with sound and it is great. At first, I was a little apprehensive of my grandparents getting it for our daughter since we don't have anything with batteries and the only other plastic toys we have are legos. Turns out it is a nice toy and my girl loves the slides. The Easter bunny may be bringing the projector, we'll see.

  7. There was just a news article that they have stopped producing the travel-type Viewmaster slides. They will just be doing the themed ones -- Spongebob, Disney, etc.

  8. We have the discovery viewmaster for our kids, and I have to say, although I was hesitant at first, it has won me over. Turns out there is more than one sounds per slide, which makes it a bit more interesting for me and the kids, and they really enjoy looking at the images. I haven't found a lot of the slides, but I haven't looked really hard yet, so I'm not sure how difficult they are to find. Once thing I would caution is to make sure you look through the viewmaster before you buy it... the optics are misaligned on some of them which makes viewing the slides a rather discomforting experience.
