Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A generous reader sent a us a set of these blocks to try out and review. Thanks, Kelly! They are amazing! O gasped when I opened the box :) The possiblities for creative play are endless, and they are a great addition to our block collection. The colors are vibrant, and the blocks are beautifully made. The blocks are stained instead of painted, so that the wood grain is visible. These blocks will be around for O's children and maybe even her grandchildren one day!
Twig blocks are fun for all ages! Elliott, Guh-guh, O, and I have all enjoyed creating different structures :) O especially loves to build houses and tall buildings which she then joyfully knocks down! Here is a link to Matt's, the creator of Twig, website and the story behind their journey from Etsy to Fat Brain Toys at Ohdeedoh.



  1. LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heading over there now.........
    thanks for sharing. :)

  2. These blocks are awesome, I just wish they weren't so pricey. But, like you said, looks like they are quality enough to last through the ages. Thanks for sharing with us!

  3. These look so fun, I want to build with them!

  4. those blocks look really cool, but i wish they were not made in china. :(

  5. Those look like so much fun! If they were a little less expensive, I'd get them for my son for Easter. Have fun with them!

  6. Those blocks look awesome! I have a question about something else...

    What do you keep in those pouches under the art work on clips area in the background of the blocks photos?

    Sorry, I am so just have so many good ideas I'm just dying to know what it's all about! Thanks!

  7. Wow! Those are really cool!

  8. Those look so cool! My sister also told me about Magna Tiles.

    They are also a little pricey, but she says her son LOVES them :)

  9. The magnatiles do look like fun! I may put them on O's Christmas list this year :)

  10. Those blocks are fantastic!!! I'd love to get a set for my daughter.
    I'll have to wait for a Canadian retailer to carry them though - shipping plus duty will be more than the price of the blocks!
