Saturday, April 18, 2009

Apple Cupcakes

We made apple cupcakes for my niece's birthday party today, and I thought I'd share the recipe since this is the recipe that I shared for the postcard swap.
Apple "cupcakes" are simple and fun to make. My sister and I made them this morning and didn't involve the girls since they were so busy playing.
To make the cupcakes cut the apples in half horizontally. Scoop out the seeds. Then spread the apples with your favorite topping. We used cream cheese (with a little sugar) and peanut butter. We then decorated the apples with Teddy Grahams, sprinkles, chocolate chips, and goldfish. Serve the "cupcakes" in cupcake liners :) The kids liked the cupcakes, but most of them did not eat much of their apples. I think the apples were just a little too thick. Next time we'll cut them a little thinner or just buy smaller apples.


  1. I just found your blog... and I LOVE this idea! I might have to try it out! :)

    thanks for sharing!


  2. What a neat healthy idea for a "cupcake". I am serving these at my next gathering.

  3. In my experience, the kids hardly ever eat the cake from a "real" cupcake, either. Just the frosting! :)

  4. We have several food allergies and cakes for birthdays are always a trick to make. I love this idea!

  5. that's a great idea and super easy. Thank you for sharing.

  6. You know, looking at that picture, I never realized right off the bat that they were actually apples and I was fully prepared to skip the post entirely. I'm glad I didn't! What a cool recipe idea!

  7. What a fun idea! I've noted it for future use...
