Thursday, April 16, 2009

Flower Button Board

I recently made this flower button board, so O can have fun practicing her buttoning skills. It was fun and easy to put together.
To make the board, you need: felt in various colors (I used ecospun felt), fabric, foam core board cut to size,buttons, thread, fabric glue, and hot glue.
I glued the stems and leaves to the fabric using fabric glue and then sewed the buttons at the top of the stems. I used hot glue to attach the fabric to the foam core board. Then I cut out various flower shapes from felt and cut button holes in the centers. Now O can make her own beautiful flower garden!
(It was nice to finally have an original idea instead of just copying ideas from other blogs :)


  1. It's beautiful. I get all of my ideas from other blogs, especially yours! Oh well, my kids don't know that.

  2. Great idea! So, did you glue the stems all the way up or only partway, so they can lift off the board a bit when she is buttoning?

  3. I glued the stems all the way up, and the buttons are sewn slightly above the stems.

  4. Oh, I just love this. So pretty and fun! My girls would be thrilled with this activity.

  5. That is so cute! Great job. And I know what you mean about the joy of having an original idea. I love doing a post that doesn't have a link to where I got the idea!

  6. This is so cute and springy. I've been wanting to make something like it but couldn't figure out the back. I was thinking a frame like the dressing frames but thought that would be unwieldy. Foam core is inspired!

  7. I love this idea. My son has been trying to button some of his shirts and I wanted to make some sort of thing for him to practice on. This is perfect!

  8. Thanks! I'll have to try to come up with a "manly" version of this for my boys...maybe button the necktie onto the daddy or something...You have me thinking...

  9. very nice... my daughter is doing something similar. I like the button idea.

  10. I love this, may have to adapt it to a more manly theme :o)

  11. very cute! I've seen button practice items that involve buttoning on a piece of felt, but a board might be easier for a child who is just learning to button. And your board looks beautiful, perfect for spring!

  12. Thanks for the idea! Buttoning is a fine motor skill and self-help skill that Jayce is currently working on :)

  13. This is so wonderful! Loveliness and functionality combined...I'll be linking from

  14. Too cute and it serves a purpose :) So the buttonholes on the felt can just be cut? No buttonhole stitching?

  15. What a super cute idea! I will have to do this. I just stumbled across your blog somehow when I was searching for something else, and love it! I look forward to reading back for all your other creative ideas!

  16. Great idea and super cute! My daughter's room has a flower theme, so I might use your idea but make it a pillow istead so it can make her room pretty, but also will be fun for her to play with too! Thanks!

  17. Thanks for sharing so WE can copy! I love this...

  18. This is beautiful, and so clever! I love it. I'm definitely going to make one of these for my little dumpling! Thank you so much. I've been away, but now reading your blog again. I've missed it so much. My toddlers will benefit from your homeschooling techniques!

  19. Thanks for the inspiration! I did a "boy" version with cars and trucks!

  20. What an awesome idea! I LOVE your blog so much. I don't have any sewing experiance but I think I may be able to manage this. Thanks so much for sharing!

  21. Gorgeous, what a great idea! And I like Celebrate Every Day's idea to do a boy's "cars and trucks" version!


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  23. I LOVE this, Melissa! How perfect for spring! I featured your photo and post in my DIY Dressing Frames and Alternatives at
