Monday, April 27, 2009

Meet Buddy the Turtle

Meet Buddy, the newest addition to our family! Buddy was a spur of the moment addition to O's Easter basket (2 dollars from Dollar General). You put him in water, and he grows and grows and grows. I was skeptical at first, but he has doubled his size since we put him in water yesterday. O is thrilled, and she loves to frequently check on Buddy. After we remove him from the water, he'll shrink back down to his original size, and then we can put him back in the water to grow again :) Next time we'll measure him before we put him in the water and chart his growth! (I wish I thought of that this time!)


  1. Grandma got my boys each an alligator like your Buddy. He is now a true bath time pal. I hope O likes it as much as they like theirs. You are in our prayers.


  2. We got a duck inside a shell for easter. It actually hatched out of the egg after a day or so in water! It was a really cute easter gift for my little one.

  3. Oh I love these. I wonder if I can find them here.

  4. This goes to show how much I know about turtles. I thought that was a living breathing turtle and was all "whoa, that is such a neat color!"

    Yeah. Um. Moving forward.

  5. Aha. Ben has the exact same one that he loves, but it doesn't seem to increase in size much. How long do you soak it?

  6. Those growing "pets" are so much fun!

  7. Have you read Zack's Alligator? Her name is Bridget and she is just like your Buddy. It's a very cute story. I didn't really realize that the alligator was a "growing" alligator toy until the end of the story, LOL. Mostly due to the fact that my DS was reading me the book and read a few pages every day, so I didn't quite follow the story as closely as I should have! Very good story though.

  8. Oh here, Zack's Alligator:
