Friday, April 10, 2009

Rock Family

O will be getting this family of rocks for one of her handmade Easter gifts. I hope she loves them :) I've had making this family of rocks on my to-do list for months, and at first I was a little dismayed by how they turned out. Then I decided to lower my perfectionistic standards and just enjoy their simplicity :)

(I wish I could find the blog that inspired these rocks. The inspiration paintings were MUCH nicer!)


  1. I think that they are wonderful. I have a small confession. I had a pet rock when I was twelve years old!

  2. What did you use to put the family on the rocks? I love this idea!

  3. Thanks :)

    I drew the family with a white paint pen.

  4. This is a brilliant idea and like Elizabeth I think quite wonderful. The simplicity is what makes them. My daughter would love this, she loves rocks and simple pictures of her family. We'll go in search of rocks and a white paint pen this week. Along with a picture walk through Byrd Baylor's Everyone Needs A Rock. Thank you for the inspiration.

  5. Seth cannot pass by a rock without picking it up. I think he'd go crazy for a rock family! They are too cute! I'm sure O can feel the love that was put into them.

  6. Those are very cute! My son would love something like that, though I worry they'd end up breaking something as he's in a throwing stage ;)

  7. How did you do this? I have some rocks that would be perfect for this and I love how cute they turned out.

  8. I think they're great and could totally see Gabe playing with them.

  9. I think they're adorable! What didn't you like about them?

  10. We did this today...thanks for the idea:
