Monday, April 6, 2009

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

Recently O has started purposely wearing her shoes on the wrong feet. She's says "it feels funny!" Ell was a little hesitant to let her walk around the hotel with her shoes on the wrong feet because he was afraid we'd look like neglectful parents :)

She also loves to wear "mismatched shoes." She thinks this is hilarious!


  1. my little girl does the exact same thing! on both counts!

  2. Funny, my daughter does that too. I guess it's pretty common.

  3. I let my 3 year old pick out all her own clothes by herself the other day and she came out wearing khaki pants a pink skirt and an orange shirt with one brown boot and a blue sneaker. She got a lot of complements that day about what a big girl she was to get her self dressed to help mommy.

  4. Recently my daughter has started sleeping in her shoes...insisting on it!

  5. O might enjoy this book, about a boy who puts his boots on the wrong feet...

  6. We call those 'duck feet.' And congrats on the newest little girl!!
