Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We're Thinking...

Pink! It's a girl! We are VERY excited. Thanks for all of the well wishes :) Hooray for baby girls!


  1. Congratulations! How excited is O to be getting a baby sister?

  2. We have 2 girls, 3 and 8 months! Nothing could be better!
    yeah for little girls!

  3. Many congrats. Boy or girl, thrilling stuff.

  4. Oh what fun, Melissa! As a mom of three girls, I have to say that it is ALL good! Happy for you!

  5. Congratulations! I am due Oct. 2 and can't wait to find out just who is growing inside me. My husband and I already have an 18-month-old little girl and he is hoping for another daddy's girl. I just want a healthy baby. Congratulations again!

  6. YEAH! Came back just to check. LOL! I have a 3 year old boy (that I use your ideas mostly with) and a 13 month old girl ... and execting another baby girl in August. I am THRILLED to have another girl. I had sisters and it doesn't get any better. (not that boys are too bad either, LOL!)

  7. Congratulations! O will love having a baby sister, I'm sure.

  8. Exciting! Here's to a healthy baby girl!

  9. I haven't really commented before but, I love your blog and all of the neat ideas that you have.

    I also wanted to offer my congratulations! I also have two girls, just shy of 3 years apart and it's wonderful! They get along so well, most of the time.

    Good luck to you with the remainder of your pregnancy and labor. I'm sure O will be a terrific & loving big sister. :)

  10. Congratulations on your baby girl! It'll be great to have two little girls. Think of all the tea parties (pretend ones) you'll get to enjoy:)

    We're expecting a boy in August, so yeah for little boys too:)

  11. How wonderful! I have three girls, and there is nothing like the bond between sisters!

  12. Yea!! I have two little girls, 6 and 2 years and I love watching them figure out the whole sisterhood secret. So fun. Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!!

  13. How wonderful! I am the oldest of four girls...and we had the best time together!!

  14. Sooooooo Happy for the three of you!!!!!!

  15. after just finding out I am having my fourth girl.. I have to say GIRLS ROCK !! :) though people everywhere including strangers all like to say to me.. oh oh.. your gonna have fun in the teenage years :)

  16. Congrats on another girl! I just found out we are having our second girl as well. I think your daughter is going to make the best big sister to a little sister :) When is your due date?

  17. Thanks, everyone! O is VERY excited! She was certain the baby would be a girl, and she has come up with some interesting names for the baby :)

  18. Congratulations!!! What glorious wonderful news

  19. Congratulations!!!Wonderful news...says the mom of 5 girls! :-)

  20. Hooray! Congratulations!

    O is going to be such a wonderful big sister. :)
