Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Where does it come from?


I introduced these "Where does it come from?" puzzle cards to O last week, and we really enjoyed doing this activity together. The cards include many things that she would not have a clue about (gum comes from trees, newspaper comes from trees, etc.), so I didn't have any expectation of her doing this activity independently. It was fun to discuss the pictures and teach her about where things come from. I'm looking forward to doing this activity with her again soon :)
I printed and laminated these cards close to a year ago, and I have no idea where they came from! If anyone knows, let me know.


  1. They look like the cards I get from Lakeshore Learning.

  2. Just wondering, do you ever sit down? Or are you constantly busy putting projects together. Sometimes I get exhausted just reading your blog. O is a lucky girl to have you as her mother.

  3. What a great idea - I'd love to know where they come from if you get it figured out...

  4. Elizabeth: Life with Dirk and DerekApril 16, 2009 at 2:58 AM

    I agree! O and little O are very lucky! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh, I just love this idea! I am going to make some for my 2 1/2 year old.

  7. Cherie- I really think the blog makes it look like I do more than I really do. It's strange because I am not constantly putting things together and making things. In fact, my list of things that I haven't done is MUCH longer than the list of things that I have done. (I LOVE to make lists). After spending half of January, all of February, and most of March pretty much immobile due to debilitating nausea, I am ready to mark things off my list! Right now I'm focusing more on crafty projects rather than Montessori type activities because we really have enough things on our school shelf :) Anyway, thanks for your comment :)

  8. I made some of these the day after I saw them on your blog. I just drew them. Our son loves them and has asked to do them several times over the last few days. Thanks for the idea!

  9. These are so neat! Can you let me know how old O is? My son is almost 3 and I'm trying to gauge where he would be in comparison to O (development/cognitive wise). I'm guessing O is closer to 4? Thanks!

  10. Cara- O is 33 months old. She'll be 3 in July...she's tall for her age :)

  11. My daughter will be 3 in August. I love this project too, and will search for an online printable version to duplicate it!

  12. I came across this website and remembered this post. Here's where you got it from!
