Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Open/Close Activity

We haven't had the open/close basket out for a while, but I found a few new objects when I was organizing this weekend and decided to give them a try.

I expected O to have some difficulty with this jar, and she did. I encouraged her to try again (to close it), and she was SO proud when she was succesful by herself.


  1. I came across your blog when I followed a link, and another somehow, and I feel so blessed to have found it!

    I have a 4.5 year old that I homeschool and she is a "sensory seeker", so I have just loved so many of your ideas! We are now making plans to make a banging wall in the backyard after reading your post on that. What a simple, creative, thing to do that will do wonders for her senses!

    Thank you for taking the time to post your ideas and photograph them!

  2. Some of our favorite items have been deoderants, lipsticks, lip balm, and screw-up blush brushes. Now I just wish they were the EMPTY ones!

  3. Thank you for your inspiration!
