Monday, May 11, 2009

The Sand Tray

I introduced the sand tray to O on Tuesday, and she LOVED it. I'd originally planned to use salt in the tray, but when I saw this blue sand at Hobby Lobby (for only 1.50), I knew it would be perfect. O loves all things blue!

After spending some time writing letters in the sand, we tried the animal tracks activity that I saw on The Wonder Years. We took turns closing our eyes while one of us made tracks with an animal. Then we had to guess which animal made the tracks. This was so much fun!


  1. That blue sand made that exercise go from "neat" to "must go to Hobby Lobby right now and make one!"

    Did you get your tray there too or was it one you already had?

    Oh, and I think this may be the first time I posted, so that blue sand really is powerful stuff ;)

  2. This is a very cool activity. But I wonder how well our children would do keeping the sand in the tray?

    I'm thinking not too well. But I'll give it a shot this afternoon and test my theory...

  3. I already had the tray. I think it came with a set of wooden food from Target a couple of years ago.
    I decided to keep the sand tray out of reach for now except when we are using it. O thought it was cool to grab handfuls of sand and watch it fall between her fingers into the tray. I'm sure it was a fun sensory experience, but I didn't want her to waste the sand since we really don't have much. Once it's not so new, I don't think this will be a problem, and I'll put the sand tray on her shelf :)

  4. Awww...she got her blue sand!

  5. Amy- Yes, she did and she's thrilled. The beach is ready whenever you and Seth want to come play. We aren't home now, but we'll be home Saturday :)

  6. I love the animal tracks idea! Thanks for the inspiration! We, too, are home schooling with Montessori inspired activities :)
