Thursday, June 4, 2009

Circle Time

O and I started having Circle Time in the mornings a couple of weeks ago, and we are having SO much fun! During circle time we sing LOTS of songs (days of the week, months of the year, continents, My 5 Senses, and various Spanish songs). I have been amazed by how quickly and easily O learns through music. We do lots of rhythmn stick activities, and in this picture we are singing a Spanish counting song while tapping the Spanish beanbags with the rhythmn sticks. After we sing our songs and do a brief Spanish lesson, we usually do our library activity kit. Since this week is the last week that I'll have access to the library kits (until I go back to work in October), I'll start designating a book of the week, and we'll do story stretchers revolving around that book. I also plan to incorporate sign language activities and yoga into our circle time as well. We've spent so much time doing our circle time activities this week that I haven't even turned our Montessori shelf around at all :(


  1. Hi Melissa, I wanted to find out when/how you do your planning/prep for your days. Do you plan out your week or prep the night before? I find myself thinking, "oh, that's a good idea..." and then I don't follow through b/c I'll forget to plan it out, etc. and then the day is over! Would love some tips from you about this. Thanks!

  2. I have a question too!
    Where do you get these songs from? Re: days of the week, etc.

  3. Hi Melissa,

    I was just wondering if anyone else joins you for story time. I love the idea of circle time and would love to do it with my little one too, but I feel a little bit silly doing it with just the two of us.

    Also, how to you plan to continue homeschool with O when Little Kicker arrives? I have a baby due in September and am a little bit concerned about my ability to keep up the pace and enthusiasm with a brand new baby joining the family.

    Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas and answer questions. O is one lucky little girl to have you as her mama!


  4. I am also very interested in your answers to k-e-household and Ava's answers.
    Thanks for your great blog! LOVE it!

  5. Because there aren't enough questions for you to answer :)...What Spanish lessons do you use?

  6. Yikes! So many questions :) I promise I'll try to answer them all within the next day or 2. Please be patient with this overwhelmed & exhausted mama :)

  7. Melissa, I'd like to know the answers to many of these questions myself. Perhaps you could do a post about it so we could all learn how you plan and prep, where you get your songs, and how you will continue homeschooling with a new baby. (I have one due beginning of August so your insights will be very relevant!)

  8. We joke that our "Circle Time" is actually more like a colon or perhaps, a dash.

    Since it includes just me & Ben (or, in the case of our Show & Tell, me, Ben & Dad). LOL!

  9. http://www.bead-z-mommys-business.comJune 9, 2009 at 5:19 PM

    What a neat idea singing songs, learning numbers in Spanish and English and using the sticks for rhythm. We did greeting in different languages.Also a Montessori friend of mine taught her children how to sing the song "It's small world "in different languages involving friends and neighbors of different backgrounds.All the best- Dita
