Monday, June 1, 2009

How to Make Thrift Store Shirts Super Cute...

Embroidery, of course! Can you tell that I'm on an embroidery kick lately???
Since we are planning on starting EC from the beginning with Little Kicker (as opposed to 10 months old which is when we started with O), I realized that we need more t-shirts to make the process a little easier. I found 3 t-shirts at the thrift store for about 50 cents each. The embroidery patterns are from Wee Wonderfuls.

These t-shirts were SO quick to embroider. I completed 2 of them in the car on our way to our Memorial Weekend destinations :)


  1. I LOVE these!! They are so cute. I'd love to make some myself but have no clue on the embroidery - feel like making a tutorial?! :) Where did you learn how to do it?

  2. I'm curious about the EC process. Is O completely potty-trained, if so, how long did it take using the EC process?

  3. We started EC with Bear at 12 months. I am due in August as well and we also plan on starting EC with the baby from the beginning. :) Did it take long for O to get the concept of using the potty at 10 months?

    The t-shirts are really cute.

  4. Very sweet. I started EC with my youngest at 3 months. You're brave to start from the beginning!

  5. Very cute! I will have to keep this idea in mind for my little one!
