Friday, June 5, 2009

Lazy Days Skirts

I've wanted to make O a couple of skirts using this pattern for a LONG time, and I'm so happy that they are finished and she LOVES them! The skirts were easy for a beginning sewer like me to tackle. Although, I had my mom finish them since the ribbon directions confused me a little bit, and I really needed a nap :)

We appliqued a little monkey to a shirt to match her skirt and to complete her outfit.

We also thought it would be cute for Little Kicker and O to have matching outfits. O chose the monkeys for her shirt and Little Kicker's onesie.


Here's O's 2nd skirt.


  1. Okay, you've inspired me...I too, have had this pattern on my to-do list for so long! :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love them, they are so cute!
    Great job!

  4. Google Reader seems like a great idea, but I am so lost when I try to figure it out. I do not need to use it to follow blogs, but I like the idea of using it to keep track of things I want to do later!

  5. These are so cute!!! I love the matching onsie idea.

  6. I love those skirts! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to make them for my little girls (4 years and 5 months).

  7. I love your skirts. I have had them on my to-do list for ages too.. (SO glad others suffer from the same affliction)

    But I was curious if you pre-washed the ribbon . If so did it shrink or run? What type of material is your ribbon made from? Have you washed the skirts? How did the ribbon hold up?

  8. Thanks, everybody! I'm looking forward to making more skirts. Maybe next summer I'll make matching skirts for my girls :) Poor kids :)
    Kayte- Yikes! I didn't prewash the fabric OR the ribbon. It didn't even occur to me! She's only worn each of them once for short periods of time, so I haven't washed them yet. I'm a little scared to wash them now :(

  9. Montessori Moments- The main reason I started using Google reader was so that I could star items. It helps SO much because there is NO way I could remember everything that I read about and want to try :) I just wish I could sort my starred items into categories instead of having them all mixed up together...

  10. I have had that pattern since last summer, too! I forgot about it, thanks for reminding me. I LOVE your fabric choices, and appliqueing the shirt to match is brilliant. Fun project!!!

  11. Those skirts are absolutely adorable!! I am just working on learning how to use my sewing machine (one of my many projects). Will def be bookmarking that pattern. Thanks!
