Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This fun and easy painting activity came from The Artful Parent.

First we used a mini roller to paint an acrylic frame. O enjoyed rolling the paint on at first, but eventually I was the paint roller for all of the artwork :)

Then she drew her design with a q tip. When she was finished drawing, we placed a piece of white cardstock over the design, pressed evenly, and then took the paper off the frame to admire her art :)

She decided to mix things up a little and dip the q tip into the paint to paint on the frame.

Surprisingly, blue was the last color she chose. You can see a few of her finished masterpieces in the background of this picture.

Here's one of her finished masterpieces. I'm not sure why the yellow turned out so splotchy. Maybe we should have used more paint on the frame...


  1. Hi! I've been looking at your blog for awhile and I was just wondering what is your daily routine. I have two kids ages 2 and 3 and really want to start having activities for them, but I don't know where to start. If you could help me that would be great. Thank you!

  2. That is SO AWESOME! I love the look of it!! We have got to do it!! Thanks for the idea!

  3. could you answer the daily routine question in a bolg post, I am always interested in seeing how others fit it all in. I have such trouble balancing the kids needs with household needs, and personal needs...

  4. I'll try to write a post about our daily routine soon :)
