Friday, June 12, 2009

A Montessori Morning

We've been spending so much time playing on the beach in the mornings this week that we've had very little time to do our Montessori work (we sing our circle time songs while playing on the beach on the mornings that we skip circle time). Since we got an early start Thursday morning, we were able to have "school" for about 45 minutes after coming in from 2 hours on the beach. O really enjoyed her work!

Matching balloon textures.


Hammering golf tees. She always chooses this activity.


Completing the What doesn't belong? cards.


Matching triangles

She chose several other activities, and we took turns doing several things. When it was my turn, she ran to get her wooden camera so she could take a picture of me :)


  1. Wondering if you made the triangle card yourself or did you get it off the web? I know it doesn't look that hard to make, but thought it would save me a few minutes if I can download it off from somewhere. Thank you

  2. In answer to the question about the triangles. There is a template for those as well as circles and squares in Maja Pitamic's book Teach me to do it myself:Montessori activities for you and your child. I'm not sure if you can get it off the web. Instead of copying them I made them into puzzles with thick cardboard.(pictures on my blog).
    You said you and your daughter took turns doing some things. I was just wondering if you did most of the activities together or if she works on her own most of the time? I have a 19 month old and I find I have to sit beside her for almost everything. Thank you.

  3. Thanks, Jennifer! The triangles came from Maja Pitamic's book :)
    O and I do most activities together, especially new or relatively new activities. It's just more fun for her if she has someone working beside her. We aren't always working on the same thing...I'll choose my work off the shelf and she chooses her work, but occasionally we'll complete a work together. She also loves to pretend to be the teacher so she can show me how it's done :)

  4. Just wanted to let you know that I linked to this, the egg carton, butterfly, monoprinting, and seasons/clothes matching posts on my weekly link roundup. Lots of fun stuff - thanks for the ideas! (my post can be found here)

  5. Thank you Jennifer and Melissa.

  6. Really looks like O has fun! Did you get the "what does not belong"-cards from the internet? If yes, could you tell me where you found them? I would really like to try them with my daughter.

  7. OOOh. i like the hammering wooden tees one. Is that just green planter foam?

  8. Yes, it's green planter foam :)

  9. Miss Muffin- The cards came from the free section at Montessori for Everyone.

  10. Thanks Melissa! I found the cards! Too bad that there are only so few sets ... Maybe I will simply use the memory game cards (or something similar) she has. I do that often with my patients ... really weird that I did not think of that earlier.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  11. How does the matching balloon textures activity work? Is it an idea from the book you previously mentioned?

  12. Cookie- Here's the link to the balloon texture matching activity

  13. I just made the balloon texture match for my 2.5 year old today. He loved finding the right texture and yelling "Match!". Thanks for the daily inspiration :-)
