Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Personalized Color Blocks

I think this is my favorite handmade gift yet! The blocks took forever to make, but I really enjoyed it :) Here's how to do it...

1) buy your blocks :) I ordered mine from Casey's Wood Products
2) sand the edges and corners of the blocks
3) paint the edges and corners of the blocks white
4) cut scrapbook paper, pictures, printed letters and numbers, etc. to fit the blocks
5) paint the blocks with a layer of mod podge and place a picture on the mod podge
6) wait a day or so until they are dry and paint a layer of mod podge over the top of the pictures

This was fun and easy, and I hope I can streamline the process so it doesn't take quite so long next time. I have a new appreciation as to why handmade gifts are often so expensive! Here are a few more pics :)


  1. Wow - this is truly a neat gift idea. And handmade gifts are cherished forever! You have inspired me now.

  2. Beautiful!
    What did you use for the letters and numbers? Stencils or die-cuts?

  3. nopinkhere- It was even easier than that! I just printed them on photo paper from my computer :)

  4. ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You are so creative. :)

  5. Wow, very nice. They look so professional and oh, so cute. Great work!

  6. These are so wonderful and you did a beautiful job. I'm sure the recipient will love them! I'd love to share this at One Crafty Place. I'll be linking!

  7. wow - they are beauiful. thanks for sharing. this is going on my very long list!

  8. wow those are great ! I always wanted to make my own blocks, thanks for sharing :)

  9. These are adorable!! What size block did you use?

  10. Melissa, those are so, so cute! I love that there are as many or as few as the letters in the child's name. And I also love how each block has its own color theme - classy!

  11. That is darling. I love the little blocks - and I too agree it would be great for a gift idea!!

  12. This is a cute idea, personalized blocks must be popular right now I just saw some on my friend's blog too! Both are fun ideas and I am sure lots of kids would have a great time playing with their own name set!


  13. Hey, thanks a lot for the great post. My sister is getting married next month and I want to give her something special. Do you have any good personalized wedding gifts in mind, that I can give her? I want to make her feel special.
