Friday, June 19, 2009

Resist Painting Silhouette

After seeing this great idea, I knew we had to try it! Since I'd already made a silhouette of O for Elliott for Father's Day, I just traced around that silhouette on contact paper and cut it out. I then pressed the contact paper silhouette onto an 8 x 10 canvas, and O painted. Instead of watercolors, O painted with tempera paint. She really enjoyed herself, and I was surprised by how into it she was. She was kneeling down to get eye level with the canvas as she painted :)
I am so happy with the end result, and I think painting will make a great birthday present for O's Guh-guh! I am also looking forward to trying this same technique with handprints, which would make great Christmas gifts for grandparents!

O asked to do more sticky paper paintings, so I cut out another silhouette on Thurday. This time we used both pieces of the contact paper, and we are so happy with the results!

Here are the paintings before I pulled off the contact paper.

Here they are after removing the contact paper.

Elliott really likes this one...good thing since it's going to be his birthday present!

O wants to hang this one in her sister's room :)

I am also really excited about turning these paintings into scrabble tile pendants!


  1. Oh, I just love the reverse silhouette one, too! So cool! :)

  2. I love the reverse silhouette. It has so much personality! =)

  3. OH, I LOVE THIS!!! We'll be adding this to our art time this week.

  4. I love that! We will definitely have to try this!

  5. Just gorgeous! I love how you took it one step further! We will have to try it on canvas. Love the colors too! Thanks for linking!

  6. Those are beautiful! Great idea for some meaningful, DIY art and sophisticated looking too!!

  7. Love this! How did you make the silhouette? (I know, silly question, but I need help.)


  8. Oh wow! Those are SO beautiful! What a great twist on the silhouette's I've been so wanting to try.

  9. Also, if you get a chance to answer: Did you follow the technique to the link you posted? Putting the picture on a window and tracing it? I remember you (or somewhere) posting about cutting a picture out and using that as a template?? Thanks, I love it w/ the canvas too.
