Friday, July 10, 2009

Party Preparations

We've been preparing for O's 3rd birthday party all week, and she has been working right along with us :)

She and Guh-guh made her cake and cupcakes a few days ago. We froze the cake and cupcakes and thawed them on Friday to decorate.

O and Guh-guh made #3 sugar cookies. The cookies ended up looking like blobs after they were cooked, but they still taste good and that's what is important!

Then O decorated her own cake! Guh-guh spread on the white icing, and then we set O loose with all of the decorations :) She had a great time, and she was SO proud!

Here is her cake before I added "Happy Birthday, O" to it. I hope that it will become a tradition for her to decorate her own cake each year :) It will be interesting to watch the progression of her decorating skills as she gets older.


  1. That is a really fun idea to let her decorate her own cake. I have thought about letting them do a piece of artwork every year to see the progression. Of course I did not think of it until now when my daughter is already 3 but my #2 turns 1 next week.

  2. great cake!! my daughter just turned 3 a few days ago.. each year I like to look at your ideas.. this one is yet another good one!! I added a laminated picture of my daughter onto her candle ring, courtesy of your idea last year!! we made 2 cookies last year, but none this year.. I am having a baby in 3weeks and even basic party things get tiring :)

    oh and thanks for the tip on disabling right click on photos.. i did it straight away !

  3. oh how fun to let her decorate her own cake!

  4. comment often, but I just would share that our children must be the same age, my son and I are in the middle of choosing what frosting to make for his cake for his 3 birthday party tomorrow!

  5. What a lovely cake! I am also preparing my daughter's birthday party ... She will turn 4 soon. Also love the idea with the sugar cookies!
