Tuesday, July 28, 2009

They're OFF!!! Hooray!

I went to the dr today with the hope that they could cut off my rings. They didn't have any tools to cut them off, but they were determined to get them off :) The dr. used a circlage (sp) thread and slipped it under one ring at a time and then wrapped it around my finger. Then he unwrapped from the other end and worked it up (see Meredith's link in the comments section for clearer instructions). I had NO idea that a finger could hurt so badly. I was sweating and seeing stars, but I'm SO glad my rings are off, and I'm not sure if I'll ever put them back on :) Labor should be a piece of cake after this experience!


  1. great! it is painful isn't it? Since I had Ebi-kun I have to take my rings off for the whole of the summer :o(

  2. Ouch!! Glad they came off and you didn't have to have them cut off, but...ouch!

  3. SO glad they are off!! That finger looks like it hurts so bad :(

    And your rings are so beautiful! I wouldn't have any problems putting those back on after baby E is born :)

  4. Yay! Glad they're off!

  5. i'm sorry i discounted the amount of pain you were in when reading your previous 'get these off' post.

    that finger looks owie!! bad owie!!

    i apologize and i'm glad they are off!

  6. i am so glad they are OFF too! i am not a big jewelry person and the thought of having my rings stuck on would drive me insane! my fingers need to breathe! i get claustrophobic just thinking about it!

  7. Glad that you got the rings off!!

  8. Our jeweler had to cut mine off...I almost cried, just seemed odd.

    +hot summer weather
    +annoying skin condition

    =rings cut off (also= :( )

  9. Oh, dear!! I'm glad for you. I will never wear rings in summer after reading your experience...!

  10. Glad they are off!! So funny, after I read your first post about them being stuck, I saw the show "In Plain Sight" that night and they had to do the same thing you just described to get a ring off!!

  11. I am glad you got them off!! And keep them in a safe place! I could wear my wedding ring when I was pregnant but I couldn't wear my engagement ring (1 ct solitaire) and somehow that ring disappeared!! We don't know how but we have looked EVERYWHERE! I miss it so bad! So if possible put them behind lock and key :-)

  12. I'm glad it worked. We didn't try the Dr. but tried wrapping dental floss. Sadly it didn't work. I wonder if there is a difference. Then again I hope I don't have to find out! Once was enough.

  13. So glad you got those off. I can imagine how that would make me feel so panicky!

  14. That looked very ouchy! I am glad they were able to get them off.

  15. Hooray!

    Yet another sacrifice you've made for the kiddo's.

    I'm glad you didn't have to cut those beautiful rings.

  16. I had a similiar ordeal with my first pregnancy...the doctor did cut them off. After baby, I couldn't get them back on...Dear hubby had them resaudered as a surprise gift.

  17. I had to go to the emergency room at 3am to get my rings cut off. I feel your pain!

    They first tried everything else before FINALLY cutting mine off. The nurse was so upset about the ring---I said, "What about my finger?!"
