Saturday, August 1, 2009

Belly Cast Fun!

We had lots of fun making a belly cast on Saturday afternoon :) It was a family event with my sister, mom, niece, bff, Elliott, and O participating. My niece was a little hesitant to get her hands covered in plaster, but O jumped right in. To make the belly cast, I bought a packet of rigid wrap plaster strips from Michael's (about 4.99). I cut them into 12 inch and 18 inch strips. My bff, EB, covered my big belly with Vaseline, and my sister soaked the strips in warm water before placing them on my belly. Then everyone smoothed the strips on my belly. I had to sit still for about 30 minutes after they finished until the cast was hard enough to remove. When Little Kicker is born, we'll take pictures of her in the belly cast. Once she's older, I'll let her decorate it :)


  1. That's really cool! Good thing you didn't go into labour while it was drying!:)

  2. What a lovely experience and a beautiful unique memento to with Little Kicker

  3. Belly casts are so great! I have them from both my pregnancies and they are such a good reminder of how my belly looked.

    How much longer do you have???

  4. Only 4 more weeks, but hopefully 2!

  5. I am so happy you made a cast. I so wanted to with our third and never did. And since he was our last I am sad we didn't. Have fun with it.

  6. I have never heard of those plaster strips before. That will be so useful to know. I have been trying to figure out how to do some Segal inspired art, and those would be perfect.
