Monday, August 31, 2009

Homemade Silly Putty

O LOVES playing with putty, so we decided to make some of our own. It was super easy and fast to make.

To make the putty you just need 3 ingredients...white school glue, food coloring, and liquid starch. (Thanks, EB, for buying the ingredients for us!!!)

1st we mixed a 1/2 cup of white glue with a 1/2 cup of liquid starch. (We originally mixed in just 1/4 cup of starch, but added more later to make it more firm and less gooey.)

Then O added in green food coloring and stirred it with a spoon. We let it sit out to dry for several hours.

Then it was time to play! This putty is MUCH more slimy and messy than the therapy putty that O typically plays with. I'm keeping it on the kitchen counter, so that she only has it when she is closely supervised. I spread out a washed, unfolded cereal bag for a play surface so the putty would not stick to the grout and tiles on our kitchen countertops.

O LOVES this putty, and even though it is potentially very messy, I'm sure we'll be making more soon!


  1. Oooo, this look like fun! I think I'll make some for my boys with the thought to making more as birthday / christmas gifts for friends if it's a success.

    Where can you get liquid starch from? Supermarket? Laundry or food area?

    Wishing you the best, best , best of luck with the arrival of little kicker - can't wait to "meet" her!

  2. I found a spray bottle of liquid starch at Target in the laundry aisle. It is perfect for this activity as you can spray it and child's hands periodically during playtime if it starts to get sticky from handling too much.
    Also, this is fun for kids to practice cutting skills with playdough scissors or real scissors.

  3. My friend found the liquid starch at Fred's, which is similar to Dollar General. I'm assuming it was in the laundry aisle. This would make great Christmas gifts as long as the parents don't mind messy gifts :)

  4. Just an FYI...DON'T get this in the carpet. I found my son standing on top of it, squishing it with his toes!

  5. great!! now i knwo what to make for my son's bday tomorrow! thanks:)

  6. Oh, this looks fantastic! Gotta try it. :)

  7. Aaaaaaahhhhh I don't have liquid corn starch or borax!!!

  8. I've seen this recipe in a few places on the net. It's very misleading to identify this with Silly Putty. It doesn't bounce, for one.

    Take it from an old timer who got his Silly Putty out of one of those plastic eggs. This may be a fun craft for kids, but do them a favor -- get 'em the real thing. They won't like glue and starch very much after playing with that.
