Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hoping and Praying...

that today is baby day! Little Kicker is due today, and it's Elliott's birthday, so we're hoping today is the day. We had a false alarm last night and spent many hours at the hospital. It was reassuring to hear Little Kicker's heartbeat, and it was nice to have a dry run, so O knows what to expect. O was perfect and cuddled with me on the bed and watched Noggin until we finally left at midnight. So, I'm off to walk, maybe go out for a bumpy boat ride, and bounce on the birthing ball :)

UPDATE...Thanks for all the baby dust and labor vibes. Unfortunately, today wasn't today. Maybe tomorrow :)


  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that today is the day!

  2. Fingers are crossed, Melissa! Hope this isn't TMI, but good, old-fashioned sex did the trick for us... broke the water bag right open :)

  3. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you today! :)

  4. I am so excited for you guys. I can't wait to hear about little kicker's arrival when it happens. You are going to be such a good momma to your girls. You are really blessed!

  5. Oh I hope today is the day! My daughter was born on her daddy's birthday and it is such a special bond between them.

  6. Prayers for a safe, happy, and healthy delivery! That would be so neat if they shared a birthday!

  7. My due date is tomorrow and we are waiting too... but no false alarms here. Wouldn't be surprised if she waited a whole 'nother week!

    Bets wishes!

  8. Good luck - I bet the baby is close! Walking stairs worked for me, except it was 3 weeks early so I still feel a little bad for that exertion!!! Thinking of you xx

  9. Good luck and congratulations!!

  10. Prayers for a great labor!! and a beautiful and healthy little kicker!!! I hope today it's the day!! My princess born in our aniversary!! (like her father!!!) so that makes a double and lovely celebration!!! Good luck and God bless you all!!

  11. P and PT's your way!

  12. I hope your little arrives today!!

    Kissings and prayers for you!

  13. Lots of labor dust for you!! :)

  14. Good luck, our thoughts and prayers are with you and little kicker!She is a lucky baby to be born to such a momma..
