Friday, August 21, 2009

Transferring Ice Cubes in Water

O REALLY enjoyed this transferring activity! I gave her a slotted spoon to transfer the plastic star ice cubes from the bowl of water to an empty bowl. She transferred the clear stars first, then the blue stars, and then the pink stars. She was very focused and worked carefully. I'm sure we'll do this activity again soon!

The star ice cubes came from the dollar section at Target.


  1. I just stumbled upon you blog and absolutly love it! I am homeschooling my almost three year old daughter using the montessori method and my own stuff! I love your ideas and your kids are adorable. I hope to check back here often!

  2. What a great idea! I can't wait to try it. I need to get a cute ice cub tray first!

  3. Hi! New to your blog, too, but just wanted to say thanks for the idea! I *just* found those same ice cubes at Target; they looked great for some sort of practical life work, but I am just starting and wanting ideas. My daughter is 22 mos and I'll have to look on your blog more to figure out your girl's age :)
