Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Turning Workbooks into Reusable Workbooks

O LOVES her wipe-off workbooks! I saw a laminated maze book months ago on a blog and planned to make one for O. I never got around to doing it, and then I saw the idea to use plastic page protectors to turn workbooks into wipe-off workbooks on Muses of Megret.

What a great idea and SO much faster, easier, and cheaper than printing and laminating each page! I found several fun workbooks, including a book of mazes for around 3 dollars each (at Walmart). I put each page into a page protector and put them into a binder. I added in a zipper pouch with washable wipe-off markers and a small felt eraser, and O was ready to work! This saves so much money and paper since O likes to do the same pages over and over again. Also, Little Kicker will be able to use the same books in a few years!

Shannon at Teaching My Little Bookworm also recently posted about turning workbooks into reusable workbooks!


  1. What a great idea! I have a few workbooks I was going to copy for my girls but this is a great idea! I think my 3 year old will love this idea. You are right, it wills ave LOTS of paper and copies. Thanks!

  2. What a smart and economical idea!

  3. LOL I just posted about this today too:)

  4. Oh duh! I used to do this when I taught high school.

    I even have the supplies still. Hooray!

  5. I did exactly the same thing. I used some bought workbooks and also many work pages that I printed from the internet. (There are really many pages with mazes and other stuff at different skill levels on the web!) I love the idea with the zippered pouch - I will try to do this, too. At the moment we are always searching for the little felt eraser .... :-)

  6. Ashlie.....frequent visitor!August 25, 2009 at 4:07 PM

    I was JUST thinking about doing this yesterday for my 3 year old!!! I'll bet we can find some decent deals on the protectors during back to school season, too! Thanks ;-)

  7. In a pinch, big ziplock baggies work as page protectors too :)

  8. Wow! This is a great idea. I have been wondering how to make workbooks reusable.


  9. We got our laminator at Sam's, and now we laminate EVERYTHING! Our favorite thing right now is to laminate big die-cut letters, and the girls practice drawing that letter on top of it. It keeps their work pretty accurate, because if you get too far off track, your pen leaves the laminated letter and hits the paper underneath.

  10. this is freakin' genius! what a great way to reuse fun workbooks that otherwise would be done so quickly.

  11. I made 2 today formy son. Such a great idea!
