Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Harvesting Sunflower Seeds

Our Sunflowers have died, so it's time to get the seeds. O and I have been working on gathering the seeds from the sunflowers. This is a great fine motor activity, and it's also a great activity for increasing concentration. Unfortunately, O lost interest rather quickly :) She decided she'd rather go for a swim than pick out seeds from the sunflowers!


  1. I think the squirrels ate all of our seeds before I could even show my girls thats how they grow!

  2. Yep, I'm in the same boat as Christy. Ours were just about ready for harvesting when BAM! - the squirrels attacked. They destroyed the flowers, took the seeds, and left a big mess on the ground. Very sad after my daughter took such pride in growing her very own sunflowers! So far they've left her pumpkin alone, though, so there is hope for a harvest yet. :-)

  3. Do you harvest to eat or for bird seed? We did ours yesterday- for bird seed. So fun. :)

  4. Our neighbors put a netting over their sunflowers in order to catch the seeds and prevent squirrels and birds. Now I know why!

  5. I've used this wonderful seasonal work in my Montessori mixed age and public school K class with really high interest. My only issue is that over time the heads tend to mold. Often before they can be completely harvested. Any tips on drying them out or preserving safely?

  6. I have never thought of doing this. But, ours are dying now, so I think we have a new "project" for the kids!
