Saturday, September 26, 2009

I didn't realize...

how easy having 1 child was until I had 2! I am exhausted most of the time since I spend much of the night awake with Ema. Luckily, my mom has been helping us tremendously (I don't know how we would have survived without her!). She gets up in the mornings with O, since the morning is really the only time that I sleep.

You may have noticed that I have been spending very little time on this blog. Many of the recent posts were written before Ema was born, and I know there are many questions in emails and in the comments section that I have not answered. I feel really bad about leaving questions unanswered, so it would really help me if you would ask any questions in the comments section of this post. That way they'll all be in the same place, and I'll be more likely to answer them :) Thanks for your understanding!


  1. I think you are amazing blogging at all with two little ones - clever girl for writing posts before baby came along! Honestly no-one in the mummy blog world will mind unanswered questions or comments, or even a blog break ... these things will all come back in time. Two littlies is incredibly hard - it absolutely took me by suprise how very very very hard it was, and still is. It does get easier ... eventually! Remember, you won't look back at this time of your life and think 'I wish I hadn't neglected my blog!!'

  2. Going from 1 to 2 was my hardest year, but I was away from family. Going from 2 to 3 children was a breeze! When no.3 was 2 days old I was picking up no.1 from school! Take a break, take the pressure off and seep whenever you can. In 3 months or 6 months time when things have settled and Ema is (hopefully) sleeping more predictably and longer at night you will look back and not believe how tired you are now!

  3. I know what you mean. Right now I am wondering how I ever thought one was hard.

  4. I think I've had the opposite experience. Thought 1 was VERY hard, and two has been so much easier. We co-sleep, and for now my hubby sleeps with my son and I sleep with the babe in bed. She has slept all night through since the day she was born (now 3 mos old). She does wake - but to eat - I roll over and side-lie nurse and we both drift right back to sleep. It's been so lovely! I honestly think that for me, the lack of sleep with my first was the thing that made everything else so hard. Getting lots of sleep now has made so much difference!

  5. Just wanted to give you a hug and tell you that it DOES get easier. A bit. Or, well, as the kids get older, they'll just be another "hard" part, but his hard part will get better :)

  6. I know it will get easier eventually, and I can't wait until the girls are old enough to play together :)
    Sherri- We cosleep, too, thank goodness or else I really would be a zombie :)

  7. I had the same thought: how did I EVER think having one child was hard?

  8. Hi...I've never commented before, but I've welcomed three little babies in the past four years and just wanted to share a little encouragement. When my second was born, the guilt that I felt from not being able to spend as much time with my first was unbearable. They were only 17 months apart and I felt as if my bigger baby was being forced to grow up too fast and have less of me. It was very consoling when someone told me that God was choosing for my oldest to become a big brother at that time--that I didn't have to worry that I would fail, because God would make up where I lacked in time and energy. Because in His oldest needed his baby brother for some reason, and they both, in turn, needed their baby sister two years later. So praise God for his will and allow yourself some peace!!

  9. It does get easier. I promise! I have a 3 yr old girl and a 20 month old boy. They are 18 months apart so I understand not having a big break in between the two. You'll learn the tricks! I commend you on finding the time to blog with such a new little one!

  10. I can totally relate to you. I can't believe I ever thought 1 child was a lot of work! My little ladies are 24 months and 5 months. Both of them are very dependent on me. It is challenging to find time to do anything other than take care of them! I have learned a lot from your blog and I appreciate your dedication to it. But, as I am sure you know, family and yourself definitely come first!

  11. I totally agree. I didnt think having 2 would be so hard. I have a 3.5 and a 2 year old, both boys and they are wild. Luckily they are very cute and can be so sweet, but it sure is hard! I like to think when they are older they will be close. They really love each other now, even as they wrestle.

  12. My first was (still is!) such a good little boy. When he was almost 4 we had his sister and then that's when I realized how good I used to have it! Don't get me wrong, we love her, but she was a screamer (screamed until she was 6 months old!) I remember the look on my poor son's face when he asked for a drink and I told him to wait until I was done feeding his sister. What? Wait? Me? I felt like I had my hands full. No help from family, no friends around (we're a military family). Boy, I wouldn't have believed ya if you told me 2 were MORE than twice the work! lol It does get better though and so much more fun!

  13. As mom of a 5 week old and a 21 month old, I can say that it is definitely an adjustment! We just choose our priorities, put some things to the "back burner", and try to find joy in each day. As long as we're dressed, fed, and loved each is good!

    Congrats on your sweet new little one! Enjoy her! :)
