Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thanks, Everyone!

I just discovered that the hospital has wireless, so I thought I'd update everyone about Baby E whose blog name will be Ema (not her real name). Several people commented that it was fast, and you are SO right! It was fast, scary, traumatic, terrifying, joyful...

We went in for a dr appt at 2:15 yesterday. I was SO glad that my midwife was back because we were discussing a possible c-section since they won't induce (since O was born by emergency c-section), and they would only let me go 2 weeks past my due date. I REALLY, REALLY wanted a VBAC and had the whole planned...O was going to stay in the room with us the whole time, and she and Elliott would cut the baby's cord together. This was my dream, and I was desperately hoping it would come true (especially after the trauma of being put under general anesthesia for a c-section with O after laboring to 9.5 cm naturally).

Unfortunately, my girls like to enter the world in an extremely dramatic fashion... My midwife decided to monitor Ema's heartrate for about 15 minutes before we left the office. 15 minutes turned into 1 hour when her heartrate rarely went above 120 and went to 0, 60s, and 80s on too many occasions. They did several things to try to get a response from her...I drank ice water, turned to my side, they buzzed my tummy...nothing worked. The dr. came in and said we needed to get her out now. I was terrified, and we went across the street to the hospital.

Luckily, although things were done quickly, it wasn't done as quickly as with O, and I was able to get a spinal and therefore be awake for my baby's birth. It was so terrifying that I almost wished that I was under general anesthesia! I can't describe the relief when we heard her cry for the first time, and they told us that she was perfect. So, I didn't get the birth I wanted, but I have a beautiful, healthy baby girl and that is all that matters :) O ADORES her baby sister, and she spent the day with us at the hospital today. She was quite upset that she had to go home without us, but hopefully we'll all go home together tomorrow.


  1. Hooray! Happy b-day lil un! I am so sorry you weren't able to VBAC, I tried with my second and almost the exact same scenario you described with the birth of my baby boy. I was dissapointed but in the end the only thing that matters is healthy mother and child.

    Congratulations!!!! You are such a great mom, she is going to be such a happy little girl and I def. think O will make a wonderful big sis! Tell her I (Kelly, from the twig blocks) said congratulations on becoming an older sister!

  2. How scary! I am so glad that everyone is safe and healthy now. Congratulations again!

  3. Congratulations!!!! Welcome baby E to the world!

  4. Oh, wow! I'm glad to hear everything turned out well in the end.

  5. Congratulations! I am so glad you and Ema are okay.

    And I'm laughing inside because I also updated blogs from the hospital.

  6. 3 C-sections myself and I wish I could of had a Vbac as well. i know it's disapointing:(

  7. Congrats! I am so glad things went well for you!

  8. Congratulations! What a lucky little girl to be born into such a fun and creative family.

  9. Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for you. I love your blog!

  10. What a blessing to have two healthy daughters! I'm so glad everything went well for your family today :)

  11. Yay for you!! I hope you're enjoying your little one. I was so disappointed because I was induced with PBug and I desperately didn't want to be induced again... but I was :( I'm over it now, but I was devastated when it happened.

  12. CONGRATS!!! And yes that is all that matters.....a grogeous healthy happy baby and mum. Enjoy your new bundle of joy.

  13. Big congratulations to your whole family! little E is so blessed to be born into your happy family.
    I'm sorry you didn't get your dream birth, but sounds like your dream baby girl.

    Now realx and enjoy those gorgeous first few days x

  14. Congratulations!!!

    I nominated you for a blog award :)

  15. Congrats and thanks for sharing your story. Glad the baby is healthy and you are doing well. xx

  16. Congratulations! I'm glad to hear that the outcome was good, even if the process itself was scary! Those babies have their own plans, don't they?

  17. Congratulations!! Thanks God you all are ok!! Bless you and your family!!!

  18. Congratulations, take your time to enjoy your expanded family.

  19. Congrats! I don't think they ever come into the world how we vision huh!

    my oldest back labor
    my youngest 45 mins of labor, got the hospital with not even 10 mins to spare and 1 push!

    Glad O loves her I knew she would!
    Glad mommy and Baby are doing fine!

    hugs to you all!

  20. Congratulations on your new little addition to your family! I hope everyone is doing well and recovery for you is fast.

  21. This made me tear up! Congratulations!!

  22. Congratulations mummy, daddy and big sister O! And welcome to the world Baby Ema, what a wonderfully creative family you have been born into! :)

  23. From one general anesthesia delivering mom to another... Congratulations!!! All that matters is a healthy baby and a safe delivery for baby and mom.

    And speaking from experience, ignore all the well-meaning but thoroughly irritating people who will come here (and in your email) and tell you that you really didn't need to do this because if the doctor and/or midwife had only done X, Y or Z you would have been able to have the perfect birth you wanted. I just thank God that I live in a day and place where doctors can do such miraculous things and allow both mother and baby to be happy and healthy.

    Best wishes to you and your family! :-)

  24. I'm sorry things didn't go as you would have liked, but I'm glad you and baby E are healthy, Congratulations!

  25. I am so happy she is here. Safe & sound and perfect! Nothing can beat that, even if you didn't get the VBAC. Congratulations!!

  26. Awww I was also awake during my c-section I told the guy I needed more oxygen and he told me I was at 99% LOL
    Those moments right before you her the baby cry hard gut wrenching!

  27. congratulations! you sure are making the world a better place, melissa. o and ema are lucky girls. wishing you a speedy recovery.

  28. Congratulations and welcome baby sister! You are truly a blog champion; blogging from the hospital must be true blogging love and dedication to your followers!

  29. Thanks!

    aayladomontessori- I really can't take credit for being a good blogger since I blogged from the hospital. I was bored! The baby and Elliott were sleeping, nothing was on tv, so I decided to blog. I've found that I can't sleep for days after having a baby (I was awake for more than 50 hours before I finally was able to briefly sleep :), so it was nice to have something to do.

  30. Congrats! So sorry you couldn't have the VBAC. I know what it is like not to get the birthing experience you want. However, it's the little angel that counts! I'm so happy for you.

  31. Congratulations! So glad the day finally arrived!

    Your situations sound so much like my own, both times, so I understand the fear & disappointment and such that can happen during and afterward. I always chalk it up to the fact that I am such a Type-A planner, and that happening just helped me realize that being in control isn't always possible, or always best. :)

    Enjoy your first days at home!

  32. Congrats! Great to hear your little one has arrived even if not quite as planned.

    My first two were both c-sec as well, but #3 was a successful VBAC, so you don't have to give up hope for a dream birth.

    Take care of you and your precious little ones!

  33. I am ecstatic for you - but my heart broke a bit for you as well when I saw the picture in the OR where your husband was holding your new baby. I want a VBAC myself, but I don't know if I can handle the disappointment of not getting one! Strange how you can have so much joy and sadness in one day. Did they ever find out what was wrong -- or was it just another test with erroneous predictions?

  34. It may have been a compressed cord, but there's no way to know for sure. It's really ok. I'm just glad she's healthy. I can't imagine life without her. She's such a blessing, and we're all so in love with her :)
