Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Building" a Skeleton

O is very interested in bones and skeletons, and she asked me to make her a skeleton. I was excited when I found this skeleton to print. I printed it on cardstock, laminated the pages, and cut out the bones. Now we have a fun skeleton puzzle to "build."


  1. THis is so cool. We are about to do a Human Body Unit and this will fit in great. Thank you for posting.

  2. Thanks - we are doing the human body at school. This will be great fun to put on the shelf!

  3. Thanks! My daughter will love to put together this skeleton.

  4. I just blogged about this in my tot school post. We took apart a Halloween skeleton decoration. My 3 yr old loved to reconstruct it.

  5. So much fun. My son will love this.

  6. Thank you for sharing this information. We will use it soon!

  7. Oh fun I'm going to print it out right now! I've seen people buy a skeleton decoration, take it apart, and then use it like this. I was having a hard time finding one. Thanks for sharing this link! Can't wait to give it a try.

  8. Thanks for sharing this!

    Mommy's Favorite Children's Books

  9. Wow Melissa! This is great and how wonderful it is that O is so interested in learning about the human body. Perhaps you have have a future doctor in your hands! Just one question for you -- I am amazed by all that you do with having a preschooler and an infant. Where do you find the time to do it all? You are an inspiration to all mothers. Thank you for your amazing blog. You have changed the lives of so many mom's and their children!

  10. Melissa, this is so clever! I love it! My middle is at the age when she's spooked by Halloweeny things. So something like this will be fun for her, since she loves puzzles and we want her to be comfortable with her body, including the invisible bits that commercialism has made to be spooky. Also thank you for your recommendation of that body puzzle with the bones and muscles and systems - it's on our Christmas list for the girls. I've loved and enjoyed your blog so much and wish I had the free hands to type comments to all your posts. Thank you! Thank you for taking the time to post all these fabulous ideas and for sharing O and E with us. Have a lovely, lovely week!

    P.S. I think I've figured out why I hardly type comments - it's because I write a novella each time I finally do. Hm. Note to self: learn how to be brief.

  11. Thanks!!!! for the link!!! great!

  12. Thanks for sharing this! Great idea! I printed one right away!
