Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Halloween Sensory Tub

The idea for a Halloween sensory tub came from No Time For Flashcards. I love this idea, and it was so simple to put together (I love it when I see an idea on a blog, and it is something I can do immediately with little effort!). For our Halloween sensory tub, we used dried black beans, plastic spiders, bats, skeletons, and scorpions (from the dollar store), orange pom-poms, orange beads, googly eyes, orange pipe cleaners, and orange feathers. We added in a scoop, cups, tunnels, and tongs for even more fun!


  1. This is a GREAT idea! I think Sunshine would LOVE this!!! I am going to get to the store tomorrow to get some of these items!

  2. that is a great idea! I really need to get over to the dollar store, it might be too late. I hate it when it gets all picked through. I was too late last year to get the outdoor spider webby thing. Its on my list tomorrow with this reminder. Thanks

  3. This is very cute! Can't wait to give it a try.

  4. "immediate" and "little effort": three of my favorite words! :)

  5. this is really fun! I will kirsty this!

  6. How very clever! Thanks so much for the very fun idea!!

  7. I'm going to have to do this for this year (2010) .. bookmarked it .. such a neat idea!
