Sunday, October 4, 2009

Proud Daddy

We LOVE the baby wrap!!! It was much easier to figure out than I expected. After a few tries, I realized that it's easy and wonderful! E slept in the wrap for 3 hours while we were at a festival yesterday...O had her 1st dance performance, and she did a wonderful job! Elliott tried the wrap today, and E slept for around 2 hours while I ran errands. Hooray! I have a feeling I may be wearing this wrap (and baby!) nonstop for the next few months :) Miss E does NOT like to be put down. She's definitely an arm baby!


  1. So sweet! My daughter (also an "E") is very attached to being worn as well. Makes it easier with an older kiddo running around anyway :)

  2. Aw that's so sweet! My baby was an arm baby as well, and our wrap was a lifesaver!!

  3. I have a homemade sling that I wear almost constantly!! the wrap looks difficult.. would love to know how they work! My baby number 4 (8 weeks old) also does not like to be put down!! I think it is a reflux thing but she cries almost instantly if we put her down.. I too am looking at months of baby wearing :}

  4. I used a stretchy wrap the first 6 months and I loved it! It was the only way for me to eat and to do things with my hands!

    So cute picture!

  5. Is that a certain brand or did you make it?

  6. Wraps are the best, especially if you have a don't want to be put down baby. You guys are such great parents.

  7. We've used wraps with our babies and LOVE them. I haven't seen one tied that way though, with the baby to the side. Where did you get instructions for wrapping yours?
    Thanks for your great blog, by the way. I've been reading it for a while, but never commented before.

  8. Oh yeah, wraps are great. I have three now and love them all! With my first child, the only way she would nap is when she was in a wrap.

  9. Thanks :) My mom made the's a strip of fabric that is 6 yards long and 20 inches wide. No sewing required, only cutting :) We used these instructions for putting her in the wrap and these instructions for putting the wrap on It's really easy after you do a few times!

  10. Yeah for baby wearing!! I love love love to wear my little guy in our Moby wrap as well! Both my DH and I can wear him and it's made things so much easier for us. Little man can be cranky and fussy but a few minutes in the wrap and he's off to sleep :-)

  11. I found this blog that had great video links and instructions for various wrap techniques

  12. our baby girl lives in our wrap!!! it's a must with two kids!
