Friday, October 23, 2009

We're Going to be on the Rachael Ray Show...

on Monday! I was contacted by someone from the Rachael Ray Show a few months ago (when I was 37 weeks pregnant) about making a video of O and I making artwork using the salad spinner and food coloring. We had a lot of fun making the video, and it will be on the show on Monday. Watch it if you can!


  1. HOW cool!!! So excited for you!!!!

  2. How exciting!!! Good for you!!!!

  3. Congratulations! Let the Mom blogger voice be heard.

  4. I LOVE RACHEL RAY! That is so cool congrats!

  5. How exciting-we will DVR for sure!!

  6. Yay, this is so exciting! Maybe there will be a youtube video of it?

  7. I just saw you and O on Rachael Ray! You both were great. You are such a beautiful mama and O looked adorable too :) Thanks for sharing.

  8. Oh, no, I missed it! The show is on first thing in the morning in our town, and I didn't realize, so I didn't set the DVR. (Pouting) Congratulations to you, though!

  9. I just watched your video on-line on Rachel Ray's website. Very cute! After reading your blog for almost a year now, I had no idea I lived so close to you. I am outside of Charlotte and own a small Montessori school in Lake Wylie, SC. What a small world. Thanks for all the great ideas on your site!

  10. Just watched your clip of salad spin art on Rachel's show. It was really good!!! you both look great!! Congratulations...

  11. Yay! I just found your video clip on the show's website. That was wonderful. I didn't realize we lived so close. I live in Aiken, SC. Seems like their are quite a few crafty blogger moms here in the Carolinas.
