Thursday, October 1, 2009

Witch Puppet Craft Kit

O chose to make a witch puppet for our daily (or every other day) Halloween craft. We had a great time, and O did a great job following directions. I bought these Halloween craft kits for super cheap last year during the week after Halloween.


  1. The witch's trick-or-treat bag is a nice touch!

  2. This reminds me of a Martha Stewart craft. I remember you bought some a while back at Wal-Mart, right? Well, I just went to a Big Lots yesterday and found LOTS of MS crafts there! Thought you might like to know in case you have one in your area. ;-)

  3. It is a Martha Stewart craft kit :) I bought them for a dollar each last year after Halloween. My mom just went to her local Big Lots and stocked up on craft kits last week. They are so fun and easy!
