Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advent Calendar

I made this advent calendar shortly before Ema's was born, and I can't wait to use it! I used Martha Stewart wedding favor boxes and put Christmas scrapbook paper in each box. I cut the paper to fit the boxes and since it fit perfectly, I didn't have to use glue or tape. I put stickers with the numbers on the outside of each box. The idea for this advent calendar came from my bff, Emily. Thanks, EB! I hope this advent calendar will hold up better than last year's, and I can't wait to start this year's advent activities! I am planning to do many of the same activities that we did last year with a few new additions.

Edit to add: I forgot to say that I put magnets on the back so we can keep the advent calendar on the side of the refrigerator (it's on the refrigerator in the picture). I used sticky back magnet tape, and it didn't work very well (it wasn't strong enough), so I'm going to upgrade to stronger magnets that I bought from Hobby Lobby. The tins came from the wedding section at Walmart.


  1. It turned out great, EO! I can't wait to make mine once we get settled in.

  2. Great idea! I may have to try that out. :)

  3. Very cute! I cannot wait to do a similar advent calendar. I had delusions making one that had a different drawer to pull out for each day. I just hope I can be organized enough to have a different activity ready for each day! I also loved the wrapped Christmas book for each day. I can't wait to do that! Can you believe it's almost time for Christmas!?

  4. I was just looking for advent calendar activities to do. We bought a house from Target added little slips of paper for special things to do. We had treats, religious significance and activities. Duh me forgot to hold onto the slips of paper so starting from the beginning again this year. lol. Will search your archives to find some ideas. Thanks.

  5. So cute - are those magnetic? I love the thought of the Advent calendar, but did not want to spend tons of money, like some of the ones I see.

    Great idea!

  6. Hi - I was drawn to this post as I'm hoping to organise a special Blogger's Advent event - probably for people to share once a week how they've been celebrating. If you'd like to share your lovely calendar, do pop over to my blog and have a look at the Advent posts (listed in the sidebar) and watch out for next Sunday, when we should hopefully decide how to organise the event.

  7. Where did you purchase those MS containers??

  8. OOh, and btw, thanks for posting your advent prep - I'm working on mine too!

  9. Very cute! I have all the stuff to make one similiar to that one, only magnetic. I bought the tins at Joanns in the wedding favor section. Great job!

  10. That is so cute. Did you glue them together? How did you hang it?

  11. Jamie- I put magnets on the back so O can arrange and rearrange the calendar as often as she likes :)

  12. What a cute idea. We've enjoyed celebrating the Advent season since I was a child and I'm always on the lookout for new ideas. Thank you. :)

  13. i. love. this. genius! i think i may steal the idea :)

    i've been working on my son's advent calendar but this is so nifty. ikea has similar jars that have magnets on them (and i think they are pretty cheap). thanks for posting this. i always enjoy your blog!!

  14. here are the ikea containers mentioned before. i think they would work perfectly (if anyone has an ikea close by). they come in packs of 3 for $5 and are already magnetic.

  15. I cannot thank you enough for this idea. This will be so special. I was trying to think about what to do this year for our advent calendar. My children are small and I'm excited to start this "activity advent" tradition! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas for activities. This is such a service to me. I'm grateful for good moms that share ideas to other moms. You're making the world better. Joy to you.

  16. Great idea. Have been looking for unique ideas to teach the ladies at church for our craft day. Will have to use this, Thanks!
