Monday, December 21, 2009

Candy Activities

I bought a candy cane filled with Christmas star candy for us to use for various activities. We used them for a couple of days before I let O in on the secret that the stars were actually candy (she was calling them beads). She was amazed and thrilled!

She's gotten quite good at using the chopsticks. She likes to create a pattern when transferring the stars.

For this activity, she counted out the correct number of stars to match the numbers. I was surprised by how much she enjoyed this activity. I only had the numbers out to 5, but she insisted on doing the numbers up to 9. (Hopefully, her early interest in numbers indicates that she'll be better at math than I am!)


  1. Great fine motor and counting activities! I like the colorful candies too!

  2. Neat idea! I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and find it pretty interesting, I love it. You are so creative. I am thinking of starting my own blog (maybe) and was wondering if you have any tips on how to get started. I don't have a real focus as I am interested in montessori and art and try to do both of these things regularly with my son. Would love to hear from you.

  3. Wow such a fun activiy my dd loves using tongs:-)

  4. I used the same candies for cookie decorating with my son's class. They were the perfect size and shape for little hands. I wish I had saved some to use for sorting activities!

  5. Gaby- It's very simple to start a blog through blogger. You should just start one chronicling your daily activities and it will grow from there. That's what I did, and I'm always amazed by how many people read this blog :)

  6. Thanks Melissa!
    I know you are on a blogging break but when you get back come and take a look at my blog in progress at:
    and let me know what ya think :)

  7. This such a great multiple activity! Great idea!
