Sunday, December 20, 2009

Handprint & Paper Plate Reindeer

When I saw this reindeer craft at my school on Wednesday, I knew that O would love making it, and I would love having it as a keepsake (since I love to make things with O and E's handprints).

To make the reindeer, O colored a paper plate with a crayon rock (our favorite crayons!). She went a little crazy with a glue stick and covered almost the whole plate before placing the eyes and nose on the plate. I traced her hands onto stiff brown felt and then cut them out. I hot glued her felt hands to the back of the plate, punched a hole in the top, and looped a ribbon through the hole.

O was excited and proud to hang the reindeer on our tree. He's a little big for our 4 ft tree, but we don't mind a bit! This activity went along perfectly with our advent book, Snappy Little Christmas. (Somehow, I keep getting lucky and our activities and books are fitting together nicely without any planning :)


  1. We made one of these recently too! I love Handprint Projects :)

  2. Very cute! I have done a similar one with my kindergarten kids and my own boys. Instead of the paper plate, trace their little foot (in a shoe) for the face the wider part for the forehead of the deer and the heel for the snout. It makes a great deer shaped face and you get a keepsake of their little foot size too! I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
