Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter Wonderland Sensory Box

I introduced the Christmas/winter sensory box to O today, and she was very excited. The box is filled cotton balls and dollhouse Christmas decorations (bought from Hearthsong this summer...deeply discounted). O had a great time decorating the Christmas trees and playing with this box. I'm sure that her peg doll family and other toys will be migrating into the box soon. The idea for a winter wonderland box came from Pink and Green Mama.


  1. Love the cotton balls. I just bought seasonal items to put together one of these but was going to use rice. Cotton balls will definately be less messy!

  2. I am posting about this on my blog tonight - thanks for the idea!

  3. Super cute!!!! Thanks for share it!!

  4. Do the kids really enjoy the cotton balls or do they quickly lose interest in them?
