Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

It's been a rough week. Both E and O are sick, and we have to give E breathing treatments every 4 hours. Hopefully, both girls are on the mend and next week will be better.

It's been nice to not think about this blog, and I'm feeling a little ambivalent about continuing it. However, I'm sure that I'll get back into a blogging mood eventually...


  1. Sorry you have to go through the breathing treatments -- he looks so calm for them! Our son screamed the entire time we held the mask there at that age. :/ He is 2 now, and also has a cold, but now we can give him a puff through an inhaler attached to a spacer mask instead and WOW is it easier! Hope you all feel better soon.

  2. I hope the blog bug comes back to get you :) I really enjoy your posts, and steal more than a few ideas from you :)

    Hope that E and O are feeling better soon!

  3. Poor sweet girl! I hope both of your girlies are feeling MUCH better soon!

    I hope you do come back to your blog; I love reading it!

    But for now, just concentrate on your sweet babes.

  4. Praying that O & E will get better very soon!
    Hope you get some rest too Mommy, having a sick family is hard on everyone!
    God Bless you this New Year.

  5. I am a long time reader, but have never commented :)
    I really hope your darling girls get feeling better soon. There is nothing harder than having sick little ones! Hopefully you can take some time to recharge your batteries too!

  6. I hope your kids are better soon! I can understand that this blog can feel overwhelming at times but for what it's worth I LOVE it! I copy nearly everything you do! My daughter is the same age as O which is perfect. And I was so thrilled when you had your second baby just a couple months after my second because I was hoping to follow along with your ideas for E with my little one!!! I hope you continue!

  7. I hope the girls feel better soon too. A little time away so you can take care of your family is well deserved - you do such a remarkable job with the blog and I enjoy it immensely.

  8. I hope girls will get better soon. I am a silent reader from Turkey and I really love to read you and the stuff you make is always inspiring me. So I hope you to enjoy blogging during your life :)
    With love..

  9. Hope that the girls will recover soon. God bless you.

  10. I hope your girls get better soon!I enjoy reading your blog,but right now you all need to get well!You need some rest I am sure.I have five kids and when they get sick it is a lot of running on me too,so take care and get some much needed rest.

  11. Feel better O and E!! And I Hope you get back into the blogging world very soon! I've really enjoyed getting to know you through your blog! Thank goodness Elizabeth Boggs gave me this address thinking it was Becca Roland's! :)

  12. take your time; get well; enjoy your moments by living in your moments for you & your family. If we get an occasional glimpse in, we will be appreciative. ;-) In the meantime, we can catch up on the many posts you've given us in the past. Much cheerios love and prayers.

  13. Hope all is well and they are better soon!

    I'd miss your blog if you quit but go with your gut and heart and so what is right for you!

  14. I hope your girls feel better soon. I know how hard and overwhelming it can be to have two sick babies. I also know what it's like to not want to blog. But please don't stop. I love your blog and look forward to reading your posts and seeing your creative ideas daily.

  15. I hope your gets get well soon!

  16. I'm sorry your babies aren't feeling well!
    I love your posts and will be disappointed if you stop blogging, but I completely understand the need to reprioritize. :)

  17. Darn. I just found you. Guess I'll have to satisfy myself with the archives until you get re-bugged.

    I'm so sorry about the kiddos being sick. Hope things turn around soon.

    Happy New Year!

  18. I hope your little ones feel better soon. I have to do breathing treatments every once in a while for my twins. It does really relax them, but it is time consuming it what can already be a busy day with two little ones.

    I have only recently found your website and I have loved all the articles I have read. I can't imagine how you have two little ones, work, do all the creative and educational things you do and find the time to take pictures, download them and blog like you do.

    I'm sure a break would be nice for you. Thank you so much for all the information you have provided. If you do decide to continue, I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, but be sure to do what is best for you and your family. In the end, that is what is important. Happy new year.

  19. Hope the babies get better soon and that God gives you the strengh to take good care of them. GOD BLESS!

  20. We have had to use the nebulizer on both of our little ones too. My son who is 3 1/2 has asthma so every illness seems to go straight to his lungs.
    You do such a wonderful job with your blog, I just found it a few months ago and have been so grateful for all the great ideas! I am sure it is alot of work. It would be sorely missed!
    I am hoping your girls get well soon!

  21. I adore your blog and I am inspired by it. It's one of my favorites! But you have to do what is right for you. Whatever you do I am sure you will continue to be a great mom doing all that you can do for your girls. Thank you for sharing your ideas and teaching others to be better moms!

  22. I hope your girls are better soon. I have a 7yr old that I have to give routine breathing treatments to and have since she was 4 months old. It's no fun.
    I also hope you continue your blog, I love reading about all the fun activities you do with your girls. I'd be sorry to see it end.

  23. Sending lots of get well wishes to your 2 girls. I really hope you keep going with your blog. I just found you and have spent 2 days going through all your wonderful ideas which I am about to use in my classroom.
    Speedy recoveries!!

  24. That picture reminded me of when my oldest daughter, now 20, was little and had severe asthma. It's rough when you have to deal with breathing difficulties, especially in little ones. Sending you and your family prayers for a speedy recovery.

  25. praying all is well for both girls.

  26. How scary! I hope that the girls feel better soon.

  27. Wishing your girls a speedy recovery and you some time to recover from all of this as well.

  28. Do what is best for you, but know that you will be missed!

  29. Our son had to have breathing treatments as an infant, too. It's hard... hope your babes feel better soon!
    I know I'm the 29th person to say this, but I love your blog and it was the first I found when I ventured into homeschooling. You have been a huge source of inspiration - thank you for that!
    Of course I'd miss your posts if you decided to discontinue your blog, but in my opinion it's MUCH more important to focus on family. Follow your heart.

  30. Poor girls! Breathing treatments are no fun.

    I've really enjoyed your projects. They have given me much inspiration for activities to do with my children. But there are definitely seasons of life, and if this season is one to let go of the blog, then I wish you the best.
