Monday, January 4, 2010


Thanks for all of the kind comments! My girls are feeling better, and we haven't had to do a breathing treatment with E in over 24 hours :)

I'm beginning to think I should've never taken a blog break since it's so hard for me to get back to it :) However, my OCD need to document our activities will not allow me to completely stop the blog. I have SO many things that I'd like to blog about...several handmade gifts that I haven't yet shared, many product reviews, fixing cloth diaper elastic, E's Montessori bedroom, our winter activities, our Montessori activities rotation system, etc, but I just haven't had the time to take pictures, and I only have about 3 minutes at a time on the computer...usually late at night when I'm too tired to do much. So, I will be back, but it may be a few days or a week before I'm up and running again. I'm hoping to find a block of time to write about 20 posts at once (set to post once a day) so that I can sit back and be a lazy blogger again! Thanks again for your words of support.


  1. What a relief to hear that your girls are on the mend.

    It sounds like you have some great posts planned. I also feel that I have a whole lot I want to blog about, but very little time to get to it. Once, we get back into our our familiar routine I think it will be easier. Baby steps!

    I hope that you do find the pockets of time you desire to spend time on your blog.

  2. Take your time but all of those post sound great!!! Can't wait till your back but I understand the need for a break!

  3. What a blessing that the girls seem to be doing better. I was happy to read this post about you continuing!! What would we do without you???
    Take time to enjoy your break and when you return you will be refreshed (or as much as a mom of two little ones can be!!)
    Hugs for you and prayers for continued healing and health for your family.

  4. So glad that the girls are doing better! It sure is hard when our kids are sick!

    I love you blog and hope you keep it up! I get good ideas for activities for my 2 boys.
    Thank you!

  5. Oh, I can imagine what you mean by "only having 3 minutes on the computer" ... My little boy is almost three months now but if I want to do anything on the computer I have to do it while he is sleeping in the baby sling and I am standing with my computer put up on some high shelf cause he does not like me to sit down ... VERY EXHAUSTING!
    I wish you the best and don't put too much pressur on yourself! I have an award for you and your blog - maybe that helps a little with the motivation! :-)(Actually meant to give it to you already months ago!)
    Wish you all the best - as many others I really enjoy reading your blog and love all the inspiration I am getting from it!

  6. Glad the girls are doing better. (My daughter uses the same fishy mask for her nebs). :-)

  7. Yay!! I'm so happy to hear you will be back. Thank you!

  8. Hi Melissa!! Happy new year, so glad that your girls are ok!! I know you are very busy, but I let you an award on my blog!! Check it!!

    Your blog It's so inspiring and helpful!!! Thanks for share your awesome activities and ideas!!

    A big hug!!

  9. Welcome back! And happy that you're all feeling better!

  10. Hi there. I am so pleased to discover your blog. I have a child who is 3 years old too and am really interested in your ideas and am ploughing through all your previous blog posts for inspiration.

  11. Glad your little ones are starting to feel better.

    Take your time coming back.

    I'll be waiting for your rotation post!

  12. There is an award for you on my blog!

  13. Hello, my name is Jennifer. I would like to invite you to check out my newest blog. It is part of my New Year’s resolution this year to write a bedtime story a week for my two girls aged 4 and 1. I hope you will check it out and leave feedback. I have enjoyed your blog for some time now and I have signed up to follow it, I look forward to your fun and inspiring posts.

  14. I left you an award on my blog today. You inspire me so much with your creativity and activities for tots!
