Friday, January 15, 2010

Snow Sensory Tub

We've been hoping and wishing for snow, but it looks like it's not going to happen. So, we made our own snow! Fake snow is better than no snow! I bought a snow cone maker (from WM) at then end of the summer (super cheap!), and O was THRILLED to make snow on Tuesday. At first she was only interested in eating the snow, but once she had her fill she was ready to play! She scooped and poured a little, but she especially enjoyed playing with her miniature plastic animals in the snow. She pretended they were hunting in the snow for food. It was fun to watch her play and listen to the story she told as she played :)


  1. I love playing with snow! When we get a big snow here the kids like to decorate with tubes of icing. we play tic tac toe and they make lots of faces. Fun!

  2. Hmm, We live in Manitoba Canada and we have LOTS of snow! Today we played in it for over an hour. Too bad I could not send you some:)

  3. Great idea! We don't have snow and my youngest has been longing for it. Gunna' pull our my snowcone maker! Thanks for the idea.

  4. Makes me think I should bring some of our outside snow inside! I'll confess, when it's cold outside, I don't want to go to the trouble to put on a ton of snow gear and go outside! Particularly when it's a -25C day - brrr!

  5. We were all set to do this project, but it started snow for real. Unexpected spring snow!
