Friday, January 22, 2010

Valentine's Day Activities

There are SO many activities that can be done with a bag (or 2) of foam heart stickers! These glittery heart stickers are from WM and cost 1 dollar.

Our first Valentine's Day activity was number sequencing with hearts. O was very excited and asked if she could do this activity every day :) To make the activity, I wrote the numbers (1 to 10) on the stickers using a black sharpie. She put the numbers in order using the number line as a guide.

The hearts are also great for sorting activities. First, she sorted the hearts by color.

Then she sorted them by size.

She also had fun making patterns with the hearts.

This one was another favorite! It just looks so pretty :)

We're really enjoying these Valentine's Day activities, and I hope you will, too!


  1. Thank you for these ideas. I'll need to check out our WM and see what I can find. Do you remember where you found the red, sorted tray and the round, white tray? Thank you again for your site. It is just wonderful. Also, thank you for your confession post. I'm sorry some of the comments made you feel bad. I really think people just wanted to let you know it helped them to feel better. We are the ones filling in details of your life that we know nothing of. That is no fault of yours. I do feel the confession post was wonderful. It made me feel much better. Have a great weekend and thanks again.

  2. I love this!

    My daughter will be 3 next month and I am just now starting to do work with her.

    Do you have any Montessori websites that give a step by step for starting out? Like setting up your shelf and what things should be on it?

  3. I have the same questions as the other anymous. Also I want to give you a high five for having the gusto to do the confession it really ment alot to my day.

  4. Great ideas! Where did you get your trays for the activities?

  5. great ideas! Like the others say, do you have any websites for people starting out with montessori learning

  6. Cute!!
    What type of tool is she using?

  7. The red tray came from either WM or Dollar General. I bought it during the summer, and I haven't seen any at either store since the summer. The round white tray came from the craft section at's a paint pallete and is perfect for transferring activities.

    O used chopsticks to transfer the hearts. She had difficulty using the chopsticks with the large hearts, so she used her fingers.

    My Montessori Journey has great pics of different Montessori activities on her shelves that may help you set things up. I really love the book How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin and recommend it to others who are using Montessori at home.

  8. You have such nice ideas! I LOVE your blog! You are a blessing! :)

  9. So cute and lovely ideas!! Thanks Melissa!!

  10. really cute ideas-- love the tray!

  11. Agree with you about all the activities you can come up with for a small bag of low cost foam shapes. They are so readily available and children love using them.
    My preschoolers love to use them, especially for sorting and making patterns.

  12. I love this blog. Great ideas for Vday. Cheers to you and your girl.

  13. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas. My three year old is really enjoying the sorting right now!
