Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Heart ABCs

Since we're loving these heart activities lately, I decided to write the letters of O's name on them. She was SO excited and thoroughly enjoyed putting the letters in order to spell her name. I also wrote all of the lowercase letters of the alphabet on the hearts. I planned to play with her with the hearts and show her how to make simple words. She had other plans, and she put them in ABC order. I was surprised since that's not something that I would have ever taught her to do, and I had no idea that she could do it. I'm always surprised by the things that she learns completely on her own :)


  1. Don't you love Valentine's activities?! We did something just like this (have yet to post about it). :)

  2. good idea, it's so simple to put together, but they get so much out of it. thanks

  3. I totally understand you be amazed at the things they learn on their own. Often when I finally get around to thinking about covering a concept with me little one I discover that she's already picked it up on her own

  4. I just love all your ideas, and now that I can keep the little ones attention for more than 2 seconds, i'm hoping to start copying you again. (I use to do lots of your activities with DS age 6)
