Saturday, February 6, 2010

Heart Suncatcher...Or Not

I planned for O to make a heart suncatcher using contact paper and crepe paper streamers. I cut a heart out of the contact paper and taped it (sticky side out) onto our sliding glass door. I gave her a basket of crepe paper streamers and a pair of scissors. I told her she could cut or tear the streamers and then put them on the sticky heart. She cut a few streamers, but then decided that she'd rather her heart have tails. My little artist has a mind of her own!


  1. She had other plans! My art work didn't quite work out the way I had planned either.

  2. Hi, linked you to my sensory box. enjoy you heart crafts.

  3. I love how they have minds of their own! We have an idea of how an art project should go, but clearly, they have other ideas sometimes! LOL!

    ~ Jennifer

  4. he he! We did this the other day too. guess O loves the dancing tails from her new pressie and wanted the herat to dance too! (:

    Here is our heart:

  5. HOla! te he dejado un premio en blog por tu creatividad, gracias por compartirla. Un saludo.

  6. I have been following your blog for awhile and trying out a lot of your ideas, check out the other option for a suncatcher with contact paper on my blog...we have been snowed in for 7 days so I have been doing as many things with contact paper as I can think of. I think O will like it!
