Friday, February 26, 2010

O's Job Chart

O and I recently made a job chart for her to follow each week. The job chart is from Mod Eco Kids, and you can find it here. After downloading and printing the chart, I laminated it so O can mark off her completed jobs with a wipe-off marker. O has done great with her jobs, and she even stopped me when she saw me cleaning the bathroom sink. She said, "Mama! That's MY job!" I love it when I hear those words :)

It's been about 6 weeks since I wrote this post (it's been hiding out in draft since then). O has been great about completing her jobs, especially feeding the cat. However, we almost always forget to mark her completed jobs off of her chart. I need to put the chart in a more central location so that we can remember to check them off!


  1. Great! Thank you! I've been thinking about making my own but I like this better. Wish it had some pictures though. hmmmm

  2. I really like this Melissa. I have the responsibility charts from Melissa & Doug, but I haven't started them with those yet. I really like this, more simple idea. Thanks.

  3. awesome. I justed printed it out. It even lets you type what you want. Do you give rewards for many checks or is the "checking" the reward?

  4. Thanks for the link--I like that it is so easy customizable.

  5. She doesn't get any rewards for doing her jobs...other than the intrinsic reward of a job well done :)

  6. This is a super cute chore chart!! Thank you!

  7. Thanks for posting this. I have been wanting to get something like this started. I like that you don't reward her for a "job well done" even though i might have to add a little something like that into the mix.

  8. Cute! I will be linking to this today, I love your blog!!

  9. Great chart, printed it off, thanks. Here is a post on my blog for another free chart that we've been using.
    There are some other nice templates there too. Thanks, karen

  10. Thanks so much for sharing this chart - we have just talked with the kids about helping out at home because we are all a part of a family, but I hadn't made up charts yet. These will be perfect!

  11. I have printed this same chore chart off in the past and used it, but unfortunately never saved it to my computer. The mod eco kids site is not longer available to view. Would you consider emailing me the saved file?
    I would really appreciate it!

  12. I wish I could, but I don't have it saved to my computer. I've searched thoroughly a few months ago when someone asked for it. For some reason, I didn't save it...I'm wondering if maybe it was set up so it couldn't be saved because it's strange that I didn't save it...

  13. The website isnt working any longer....can you e-mail me the saved chore chart?
