Monday, February 8, 2010

Play Make-Up Kit

My mom made O and my niece a bag full of play make-up, and this gift was the HIT of Christmas! (even more so than the doctor kit!)

To make the pretend make-up, my mom collected empty compacts from friends and family. She also bought cheap make-up from the Dollar Tree. She disposed of the actual make-up and filled the trays with fingernail polish. The polish took a couple of weeks to dry (it was VERY humid, which is why it took so long to dry), and now it looks just like REAL make-up!

O and my niece have had a wonderful time pretending to put on make-up, but they REALLY enjoy setting everything up and having us pretend that we are customers who are buying the make-up :)

This compact of brush-on lipstick is my favorite :)

This eye shadow is lots of fun, too!

I think it's so funny that O loves make-up so much since her mama rarely wears any make-up at all (I can't stand the stuff). I'm glad to have an alternative to the nasty, gooey pretend make-up that you find in the toy section at most retail stores.

My mom got the idea for this gift from a website that she read months and months ago (can't remember where).


  1. Really cute! So, the powder compact is even nail polish? Neat idea.

  2. That is such a great idea! i love it!

  3. What a great idea! Only wish I hadn't just dumped some of my old make up compacts a couple weeks ago!

  4. Another fun idea!

    I left you some sunshine on my blog...

    check it out if you get the time.


  5. fantastic alternative! great idea.. having four girls.. i too hate that play makeup.. lol

  6. Did she glue the nail polishes closed?

  7. I've done the same thing with great success! I saw it on Parent Hacks.

  8. Yes, even the powder compact is fingernail polish. She emptied the polish out of the fingernail polish bottles. She made sure the sides of the bottles were covered with polish before leaving them open to dry. The girls love to pretend to paint their fingernails and toenails with the invisible polish. O always likes for me to paint her fingernails while making a pattern with the different colors :)

  9. That is an awesome idea!! Thanks for sharing. The Easter bunny might bring some of this in my girls' Easter baskets!

  10. Love that idea! I will definitly have to make some of these. Thanks!

  11. Yes! I saw this on Not So Idle Hands, So maybe that is where she got it from! Cute!

  12. So cute! I saw this on (posted by "notsoidlehands" who Jennifer mentioned) in the fall. Just another possibility for where your Mom might have found it.

  13. Love this idea! Can't wait to do this for my daughter. How did your mom get the nail polish brushes clean without getting stiff?

  14. That is the best idea, I wanted to get Emily one, now I will make her one instead!!

  15. Oh my gosh I'm so making this for my youngest bday!!! she will LOVE this!!! thanks!!

    your mom is just as creative as you! :) your girls are very lucky

  16. LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. My little miss is a make-up fanatic... I've been making organic play make-up for her, but it still gets MESSY! This is perfect!

  17. found someone who looks to be motivated by the same interests. check out to see it.

  18. I love the make up because i can see my self like a super star, always beautiful and wonderful. I think the make up is the best innovation discovered. I enjoy make up very well when i have a date with a handsome man. For a moment perfect in the sexual activity i recommend you to buy viagra, another great innovation.

  19. Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites

  20. That is such a great idea your mom came up with!
