Thursday, February 4, 2010

Valentine's Day Surprise Ball

O is getting a surprise ball for Valentine's Day! I saw this tutorial for a surprise ball too late to make one for O for Christmas, but I think it will be a great Valentine's Day gift. It was fun, fast, and easy to make!

First, I collected small objects for the surprise ball, including chocolate lady bugs, Valentine's balloons, a growing mermaid, tiny dessert erasers, chapstick, and stickers.

Then I started wrapping the objects with crepe paper streamers (the tutorial says to cut the crepe paper into strips first, but I didn't cut my crepe paper). I wrapped an object completely before adding another object and wrapping it and so on and so on...

After all of the objects were wrapped in the crepe paper, I squished it around a little to make it a more symmetrical ball (it was a little lopsided at first). I continued wrapping it several times to smooth out the crepe paper. Then I taped the end and wrapped the surprise ball with a ribbon. I think O is going to LOVE unwrapping her surprise ball on Valentine's Day!

Make sure to check out the tutorial at Alpha Mom. The pictures and directions are much better than mine :)


  1. I just love this idea, it's really perfect for any holiday, you are so creative!

  2. Love this! I think my nephew would love this for his 5th birthday this summer. So fun!

  3. Oh that is a really great idea. I think this will work for our valentine's party next week.

  4. This is a really cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

    ~ Jennifer

  5. Cute Idea!
    We have those same dessert erasers. The girls LOVE them!

  6. Oh I love that idea! I'm definitely going to have to try that out. :)

  7. Oh my gosh, I LOVE this idea!! I think Maddie would be THRILLED with this! Thank you!

  8. Your daughter will love this! My mother bought me something like this as a treat when I was a kid from a little store in Davis, California. It was a magical treat I looked forward to whenever we went there to visit family. I never thought to make one on my own though - I'll have to try it for my daughter!

  9. how fun! thank you for posting this. i can think of some grown up friends who would like to receive on of this as well :) great idea and i will definetly be filing it away to do again in december.
