Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Do NOT Buy This Skwish Ball for Your Baby!!!

E was just playing and mouthing this Skwish ball when one of the beads came off in her mouth. This toy is marketed for babies ages 0 to 12 months, but obviously it is very dangerous and should not be given to children who still put toys in their mouths.

I'm still shaking at what could have happened. Luckily, she didn't choke on the bead, but just let it drop right out of her mouth. We've had this ball since O was a baby and both girls loved it. I'm sad to see it go, but I'm very thankful that E is ok.


  1. Oh my! That's scary! Thank God she's okay!

  2. I can't believe that happened - that won awards a few years ago for best toy and both my kids loved theirs.

    I hope you have complained to the company

  3. O wow! We have that ball, but I didn't know what it was, someone gave it to us. I didn't let me son have it until he was older though. Glad nothing bad happened!

  4. scary! they have these at lillies gymbabes group she was just playing with one the other week. Glad shes ok!

  5. That is an awfully dramatic conclusion to jump to because one thing happened one time on a toy that you have owned and used for years. That feeds the paranoia that is growing in our society and our inability to assess what is actually risky to us. Because one thing happens one time to one person does NOT mean that it will happen to everyone, all the time. Nothing, including toys, is perfect and accidents happen. While I also am very thankful that nothing happened to your baby, I think that it's pretty irresponsible to recommend that no one ever should play or purchase that toy ever again.

  6. Thank you for your comment, Caroline. However, I respectfully disagree. I feel that it would have been completely irresponsible for me to have not shared this story with my readers. This toy is potentially very dangerous for children who mouth objects and should not be given to these children. I don't think that every Skwish ball will have beads come off in babies' mouths, but the potential for danger is there, and in my opinion, it is not worth the risk. There are plenty of wonderful toys available that do not pose a potential choking hazard. If you'll look back at my post, you'll see that I did not say that "no one should ever play or purchase that toy again." I said that the toy is not appropriate for children who mouth objects. I would have no problem at all with O playing with this ball. After thinking about it for a while, I've decided that I will not throw this ball away, but will store it until E is no longer putting things in her mouth. At that time, I'm sure that she and O can safely enjoy playing with it. It will be a fun addition to their fairy land... :) Knowledge is power, and one of the reasons that I blog is to share my experiences as a mother with other mothers. To not share something as important as this would be irresponsible and disrespectful to my readers.

  7. Well said, Melissa! I agree with you.

  8. We had the same toy. It happened to us too.

    We are ultimately responsible for our childrens safety. When I reported that I found lead in a Melissa and Doug set of blocks that were made in China (my son just tested positive for lead poisoning...the blocks were the only thing I found with lead) The product safety commission sent me a letter explaing that they couldnt investigate every claim. M&Doug promised that they tested off the lines in China. Maybe they do but, obviously not on the batch that my son was poisoned with.

    Bottom line...its not anyones fault (except the manfacturers of this "crap") We just have to be vigilent....Theres your rainbow and unicorn for the day;)

  9. Thanks for sharing. My 6 month nieces were just over and playing, trying to put in their mouths, this toy. I will send a link to their mommy for her to see.

    I am sure she will at least make sure all the balls are securely fastened.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. Yikes! and yikes about the second comment that it happened to someone else too! Please contact the CPSC!!

  11. Hey--sorry about my crabby sounding post. What I said needed to be said inn my opinion...but, probably not as rudely as I said it. I get really angry when I think of what happened to my son and then the pathetic response from the Product Safety commision ...well its just infuriates me.

    If companies want to sell their crap in our country The individual companies should pay to have their products tested. The PSC doesnt have the money to test the millions of toys that come into our country every year....

    ok, sorry for Rant II:)

  12. Moms go with your gut feeling! I have this toy too! But it has been on a shelf for older kids cause I dont like the idea of little ones chewing on wood! Just cause the manufacturer says its good doesnt mean it is! The buck stops with us Moms!!!

  13. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and I do not think it was irresponsible in the least to do so. I'm glad she's ok.

  14. Thank you for your post Melissa. I appreciate other mom's looking out for eachother and our children. Of course it is up to each of us to make our final decision, but it is wonderful to have a support system where other mother's care and want to let us know of possible issues with toys or baby items that could potentially be harmful.

    I'm so glad your little one is okay. It is so scary to think of the what-if's. Take care. Thank you for your blog and your post.

  15. I am so sorry that happened. karen
    Sippy Cup Central MOm

  16. One more thing, I am happy you blogged about this...if it happens to one baby it can happen to many. I think we should always contact a company to let them know what happened to their product. Thanks for sharing.
    Sippy Cup Central MOm

  17. The only way for the company to know if this is happening to many of these toys or if this is an isolated incident is if parents report it. There is absolutely no reason for you to not have advised your readers about potential hazards with this toy. I agree with you that it would've been irresponsible of you not to.

  18. Oh no, I just saw this toy in a catalog today and it was advertised for 6months plus. But I think even 6months old kids take stuff in their mouth ... It is actually advertised specifically as a "biting-toy". I put it on little man's easter wish list (4months old). Will take it off again. I find it much too risky! Thanks so much for sharing!

  19. E is 6 months old, and she puts EVERYTHING in her mouth! I'm always super careful about her toy. I checked this toy to make sure the beads weren't loose, but evidently I didn't check often enough. I won't make a mistake like this again. I've filed a complaint with CPSC, and I've emailed the company. We'll see what happens...probably nothing.

  20. Oh my goodness. You know, I contacted that company I believe, Manhattan toy and they assured me that all would be well with the toy. You should contact them!
    I agree we should be responsible for our kids toys but- they also shouldn't manufacture ones that arent safe.

  21. Glad you posted... we have this toy, too. I'll be taking it out of Little Man's toy basket, I'm not down with my baby choking and I can't watch him every second :)

  22. I would certainly let the company know. I have had one of these toys for 11 years with three boys and we never had a problem. Maybe their quality has gone done. I am glad your child wasn't hurt.

  23. o my gosh! i have this ball as well - good thing you posted this, as i'm due with baby #3 soon. i'll get rid of it!
